The Statistics section of the Request view has two optional modes of display: Data Movement and Queues. Click a request to see its statistics.
Statistics: Data Movement
For each request, you see:
Date and Timestamp of when the request was started.
Number of rows
Number of bytes
Number of transactions
Number of rows skipped
The following example illustrates data movement statistics.
Statistics: queues
For a selected Replication request, you see queue statistics at all the source and target hosts in the request. The following example illustrates queue statistics:
Refreshing the statistics
Right-click the request, and then select Refresh Statistics to report the statistics on demand. This connects you to the kernel to receive updated statistics of all the source and target hosts in the particular request. The Command Trace section of the window shows the date and time the statistics were refreshed.
Select Tools>Configure Statistics Reporting to set the mode of statistics reporting so that they are reported automatically on a periodic basis. This setting defaults to Manual with the duration value dimmed so you may not input a value.
The statistics reporting mode can be reset to Automatic. On-demand (manual) statistics retrieval is still available at any time.
A default for automatic statistics reporting sets the interval to every 10 minutes, but you can specify your preference in hours, minutes, and seconds. These settings are saved in the omnimoncon.config file, typically located in the kernel directory. If this file is deleted, a new file with the same name is automatically created with the default values.
For requests that are already running, the configured setting is applied immediately. When the request becomes inactive, Connect CDC MonCon retrieves statistics before stopping automatic statistics reporting for that request.
Automatic statistics reporting does not start if a request is inactive or stopped.
If requests are to be started, the configured setting is applied on the start of a request. When the request becomes inactive, Connect CDC MonCon retrieves statistics before stopping automatic statistics reporting for that request.
The Status tab displays the components that took part in a particular request/requests and whether they are still active or have errors.