Use system variables - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - Latest

Connect CDC Advanced User Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
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Connect CDC
Connect CDC Advanced User Guide
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Using system variables can help track what the inserts in the target table represent, whether they are inserts, updates, or deletes. You can distribute the system variables in the table below using column expressions or using predefined expressions like the Copy input, Concat2, and Concat3.

You can distribute any of the following system variables as you would any of the Connect CDC predefined methods.

You can:

  • Define a system variable in a column expression by itself or in combination with additional operators, or predefined methods or variables.

  • Select a system variable (directly from the Method list on the table Mapping page) as the source data value that is mapped to a target column.

  • Specify a system variable as a parameter value in a predefined method or in a procedure you create.

When you select a system variable as an input parameter to an expression, Connect CDC supplies the variable value as source data for the method.

You make the system variable selection during the mapping of source and target table columns on the Mapping tab of the Table Properties dialog.

Receiving columns for system variables must already be defined at your target server and must have the names designated in the C:\PreciselyConnect\ConnectCDC58\director\omnient.ini file installed with Connect CDC Director. In addition to the listing below, the individual variables are also included in the descriptions of the predefined methods.

Note: For the following system variables with the “sv_” prefix, if the target columns are defined with the documented names, when the table is mapped, the Director will automatically assign the built-in methods listed.