In the Getting Started Guide, you are introduced to target tables, but the exercise assumes that you have a source and a target table where the table names and at least some of the column names are the same. This enables automatic mapping of your table data. If, however, the tables are not already in existence, you can use the Connect CDC Director to create target tables from the source table definition by generating data definition language (DDL). You can read and edit the output file containing the description of CREATE TABLE and INDEX statements in an editor such as Notepad.
Generate DDL.
From the context menu of server, select Generate DDL For All Tables.
Alternately, you can highlight a table name and generate DDL for a single table.
Or, you can select multiple tables and then generate DDL for the selected tables.
You receive a message like the following with information about the location of the output file.
Note: You cannot generate DDL until the model is saved. -
Open the file in an editor such as Notepad and make any changes that are necessary. You may, for example, have to alter datatypes if you are working with different databases. Copy the desired lines to the clipboard.
Connect to the server where you want the target tables and open a new SQL window from the context menu.
Paste the copied code into the resulting window and run the SQL.
Alternately, you can open the database interactive SQL window, where you can also edit the statements and save the changed file.