Example 1: Column expression - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - Latest

Connect CDC Advanced User Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
Product name
Connect CDC
Connect CDC Advanced User Guide
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Last edition
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A supplier keeps a database of sales information in which SALES_REVENUE and SALES_COST are two columns. A target column (SALES_PROFIT) contains estimates that are the result of applying a multiplier (90%) to the difference between SALES_REVENUE and SALES_COST.

You can define a Connect CDC column expression for SALES_PROFIT that operates on the SALES_REVENUE and SALES_COST source column values in each record and whose result is sent as the value for the target column:

  1. For the SALES_PROFIT target column, select Expression from the Method list.

  2. Click Edit source at the bottom of the window to open the Target Column Expression dialog.

    You use the workbox on the left of the window to specify the expression that will be used to derive your target column values. You can use the Column and Operator lists to the right to help you build your specification. The online Help contains links to detailed information about expression elements and rules.

    The following directions demonstrate the use of the Column and Operator lists to specify the expression instead of simply entering the expression directly from the keyboard.

  3. Select the left parenthesis operator “(“ from the Operator list, then click the Insert button. Repeat for the right parenthesis, then place your cursor between the parentheses in the workbox.

  4. Similarly, insert SALES_REVENUE from the Column list, the subtraction operator (-) from the Operator list, and SALES_COST from the Column list.

  5. Finally, move the cursor, insert the multiplication operator (*), and type the multiplier (.9).

  6. To verify that your expression is syntactically valid, click Validate. The Expression Handler does the validation and replies with a message about the result.

    In the event of problems with your expression, the Expression Handler log (omnijvm.log, in the /kernel directory) may contain additional information.

  7. Click OK once the expression is valid.

  8. Click OK to close the Target Column Expression dialog.

The Source Data value for the SALES_PROFIT column displays the expression.