To do column partitioning, use the following steps:
On the sending server, right-click the sending table, then select Properties to display the Sending Table dialog.
For this exercise, disregard all Properties tabs except for the Mapping tab.
Alternatively, you can access the Receiving Table dialog from the receiving table. The Receiving Table dialog contains the same information for the map between this sending and this receiving table.
Click the Mapping tab.
Select the receiving server and receiving table from the list.
For example, select targetserver and
The table on the Mapping tab is populated.
If the table is already mapped to another table, an [M] appears before the table name. For example, if is mapped to another table, it appears in the list as [M]
To send no data to a receiving column, select NULL (not mapped) in the Method column; then click OK.
Note: To set all columns to NULL (not mapped) quickly, use the Unmap all button and then manually select Copy column for the columns you want to send. For example, to distribute data only to columns body and liability_premium, select NULL (not mapped) for all columns other than these two. -
To distribute other columns to a different table on this or another target, select the target and table, and modify the information in the Method column.
For example, to distribute data from columns VIN and POLICY to dvcole.policy, select dvcole.policy from the Receiving table text box and select NULL (not mapped) for all columns other than vin and policy.
Note: To set all columns to NULL (not mapped) quickly, use the Unmap all button and then manually select Copy column for the columns you want to send.For these two columns, select Copy column in the Method column, and Connect CDC Director will automatically put VIN and POLICY in the Source Data column.
Click OK, and close the Sending Table Properties dialog box.