If changes are captured but disappear from the queue without applying to target(s) or some targets receive data but others do not, here is a checklist of things to do:
Check gate conditions.
If you are using gate conditions:
You may have new data values that are not included on the Gate Condition tab of the Sending Table Properties dialog.
The gate condition value in the data may have changed. Check with the applications group.
Check gated column value(s)
Do you have a problem with mixed case?
Have you added new value(s)?
During replication, a value cannot change to itself. The new value you provide must be different from the old one.
Did you commit the model after adding new Gate Condition?
Rows that do not match the designated values were discarded.
Is the table in the correct Distribution and Request? A table may be active in only one request at a time.
Was the model changed recently but not committed?