Running and monitoring a Synchronization request require the same steps as described for a Copy or a Replication request (see Define the request and Define a replication request in Connect CDC Director for more information).
Return to Connect CDC MonCon, or restart it (see Start Connect CDC MonCon).
Select View>Model Update to reference the new version of your model. Connect CDC MonCon ensures that all the product components reference this updated version.
Start the Synchronization request using one of the following start options:
Start checks if the request has successfully completed the copy phase. If it has, Synchronization starts replication of changed-data. If it has not, Synchronization starts copying the source tables.
Start from copy displays a confirmation dialog asking if you want to copy all tables in the request.
Note: Change capture options, introduced in Enable/disable capture, are also available on Synchronization requests. -
Monitor the messages tracking the processing of the request on the Command Trace and Alert Messages tabs.
Refresh the Statistics window.
Verify that the values for the transaction rows retrieved and sent are as anticipated and match those for the rows applied.