Sending and Receiving Table Properties, Columns dialog - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - 6.x

Connect CDC Getting Started Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
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Connect CDC
Connect CDC Getting Started Guide
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This page displays information about the individual columns in the table, summarizing the results of your selections on the other Table Properties pages.

Send column

A checkmark indicates columns that are to be distributed from this table.

Name column

The name of each column in the sending table.

Columns whose datatypes are not supported by Connect CDC do not appear in this list. Information in this column cannot be changed.

Datatype column

The SQL datatype of each column in the sending table. Information in this column cannot be changed.

PrimeKey Column

A checkmark indicates the primary key.

A primary key uniquely identifies rows in a table and is enforced by the database management system. Information in this column cannot be changed.

ExprUse column

A check indicates that this column is specified in one or more expression definitions for columns on the Mapping page.

Information in this column cannot be changed directly, and the Connect CDC Director updates this only at model validation.

Receive column

A checkmark indicates rows in this table receiving data from any sending table.

This column pertains to data sent to this table. If you are viewing this page from a source table that is not also a receiving table, there are no check marks in this column. Information in this column cannot be changed.

Nullable column

A checkmark indicates that the column identified can include null values.

A column that can contain null values cannot be a Distribution Key for an Oracle or DB2 protected table. Information in this column cannot be changed.