Distribute tables dialog box - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - 6.x

Connect CDC Getting Started Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
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Connect CDC
Connect CDC Getting Started Guide
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When you Select source tables for distribution, the Distribute Tables dialog appears.

The top window of the Distribute Tables dialog lists the tables you chose under the Available Tables heading. You cannot modify information in this window. All checked tables under the Available Tables heading are listed in this window. If there are table names in this window that you do not want to include in the distribution, click Cancel and deselect the unwanted table(s).

To enter information in the Distribute Tables dialog:

At servers specified below is pre-selected under Distribute where?. One or more tables at the servers you choose will receive distributed data.

  1. Select Map by ordinal if you wish to map from the source table to the target table by column order (ordinal) in addition to mapping by column name. See Map by ordinal.

  2. Select the Journal mapping checkbox if the distributed data populate Connect CDC-created transaction journals at the target servers you selected. See Journal mapping checkbox.

  3. Select a distribution from the Distribution list. See Distribution list.

  4. Select a Change Selector. This field is only available if the selected sending tables are i5 source tables. Select a change selector or generate a change selector for the specified distribution.

  5. Select one or more target servers, left-click each server to select it. Click it again to de-select it. Or hold down [Ctrl] and select multiple servers.

  6. Click OK.

    • If the Connect CDC Director finds a table with the same name on the target server as the table you selected on the sending server, the table mapping is built. You can begin to distribute data or go to step 7. See Sending Table Name Equals The Receiving Table Name.

    • If the Connect CDC Director does not find a table with the same name on the target server as the table you selected on the sending server, the table mapping is partially built, and you must continue by mapping the correct table. See Sending Table and Receiving Table Have Different Names. Go to step 7.

    • If the Connect CDC Director finds a table with the same name on the target server as the table you selected on the source server, but this is not the table to which you want to distribute data, continue by mapping the correct table. Go to step 7.

  7. Enter the appropriate information on the Sending Table Properties dialog to complete the table mapping. See Specify details about tables involved in distribution.