Data Enhancement Method Properties, Conversion Table dialog - Connect_CDC - connect_cdc_mimix_share - 6.x

Connect CDC Getting Started Guide

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Connect CDC
Connect CDC Getting Started Guide
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Use this page to create a conversion table to transform a character source column value before it is sent to a target table. For example, you can create a conversion table called StateCodes and convert the source input value CT to Connecticut.

Then, in the Method column on the Sending or Receiving Table Properties, Mapping page, you can select this conversion table for the target columns for which you want data converted.

Note: Your source and target columns must be compatible with Character type.

To enter information:

In Table name, enter the name of the conversion table.

In Input length, enter the length of the longest value that will be converted.

This value is the longest one that you will list in the Input value column in the table below.

  1. In Output length, enter the length of the longest output value.

  2. This value is the longest one that you’ll list in the Output value column in the table below.

    For example, if you are converting employee identification numbers that are seven digits in length to last names that are a maximum of fifteen letters, enter 7 for input length and 15 for output length.

  3. Choose the Add row button to add a row of input and output values to the conversion table.

    Rows are added at the end of the table. However, when you save the conversion table, the rows are sorted in alphabetical order by the input value.

    Note:  Be exhaustive in your listing of possible values: If a source value is not found in the conversion table, this method returns “?” by default. You get an error message and the data is not distributed.

    If you want to control what default value is returned, then code the expression explicitly using the “Expression” method type.

  4. Enter the variant of LookupConversionTable (which is the method that is actually called) that specifies a default value. For example, LookupConversionTable (‘StateCodes’, source, value, default value).

  5. To delete a row from the conversion table, position your cursor on the row and click Delete row.

  6. Click OK when you are done.