After you have created your source and target hosts and servers, you are ready to make source tables available for distribution.
Headings for Available Tables, Sending Tables, and Receiving Tables became visible when you created the server. However, no tables exist under each heading. You must determine the tables you want involved and use a filter to retrieve information about them from the system catalog into the list of Available Tables.
Use the Refresh available tables dialog to make tables available to the sources and targets in the EDMM.
Important: Connect CDC Director excludes all tables contained in the Connect CDC metabase from the list of tables available for distribution, regardless of the filtering criteria specified in the Refresh Available Tables dialog. For MS SQL Server and SYBASE, all tables in the omnirep database are excluded from the list. For Oracle, tables owned by RPUSER are not retrieved. Also, although system tables and system views may be retrieved, they can be copied but not replicated.