Set the defaults during first time execution - connect_cdc_mimix_share - 5.8

Connect CDC Installation Guide

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Product family
Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
Product name
Connect CDC
Connect CDC Installation Guide
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When you run the Connect CDC ISPF interface for the first time, you will be directed to the Session Defaults panel. From here, you will need to set up the defaults for your environment.

Library Description
ISPF Library (required) Should already be set as it is the second argument when invoking the ISPF interface. Make sure that you do not use single quotes around this parameter.
ConnectCDC Load Library (required) Should already be set but can be changed to reference a specific version of a ConnectCDC load library.
Default zFS Directory (required) Specify the default directory where you plan to store your capture/publisher cab files, daemon files, etc. You can override the zFS directory for individual agents when creating them.
ConnectCDC PARM Library (required) Should already be set but can be changed to reference another PARMlib.
ConnectCDC PROC Library (required) Should already be set but can be changed to reference another PROClib.

IMS DBD Source Library (reserved for future use)

If you are planning to configure an IMS capture agent that requires an XPARM module (i.e., the IMS capture exit for IMS TM), specify the DBD source library here.

XPARM Source Library (reserved for future use)

If you are planning to configure an IMS or VSAM capture agent that requires an XPARM module, specify the XPARM source library here.
ISPF Table Library (required) Should already be set to your ISPF profile dataset. You can specify an alternate library for storing tables, profile variables, etc.
Db2 SSID (optional) Required only if you are planning to access the Db2 catalog to configure the tables to be included in your Connect CDC DB2 capture agent.
Local z/OS Host Name (required) Required only if you are planning to display any controller daemons running on the local LPAR image.
Local DAEMON Port # (required) Required only if you are planning to display any controller daemons running on the local LPAR image. This is the port number of the local daemon.
Local CCSID (required) System initialization parameter that specifies the default “Coded Character Set Identifier” for the local region. For example, set to 930 code page for Japanese localization.
Public Key (required) Required only if you are planning to issue CDCMON commands using Utilities option 1.3 and/or planning to manage local controller daemons (option 2).
Private Key (required) Required only if you are planning to issue CDCMON commands using Utilities option 1.3 and/or planning to manage local controller daemons (option 2).
Authorized Keys (required) Required only if you are planning to issue CDCMON commands using Utilities option 1.3 and/or planning to manage local controller daemons (option 2).