Change Data Capture for z/OS installation - connect_cdc_mimix_share - 5.8

Connect CDC Installation Guide

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Connect > Connect CDC (MIMIX Share)
Product name
Connect CDC
Connect CDC Installation Guide
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Use these steps to install Connect CDC for z/OS in your environment.
  1. Create a connectcdc folder and a version\release-specific subfolder.
    Precisely recommends the following directory structure for this and future releases:
    • C:\connectcdc – base product directory
    • C:\connectcdc\Vnnnn – version\release-specific subfolder
  2. Download the Connect CDC distribution files to the newly-created version\release subfolder.
  3. Upload the Connect CDC distribution terse files – in binary – to your z/OS system.
    Note: Make sure that you upload these files to datasets with a format of FB 1024.
    Distribution File Description File Size z/OS File Attributes Target z/OS Library
    CNTL.terse JCL Members 40 KB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.CNTL
    DBRM.terse Db2 Database Request Module 25 KB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.DBRMLIB
    ISPF.terse ISPF interface modules 274 KB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.ISPFLIB
    PARM.terse PARMLIB members 5 KB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.PARMLIB
    PROC.terse PROCLIB members 6 KB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.PROCLIB
    OBJLIB.terse Object Modules 35 MB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.OBJLIB
  4. Allocate a z/OS partitioned dataset in which to store the system JCL members using the following attributes.
    Attributes Value
    Organization PO
    Directory Blocks 50
    Record Format FB
    Record Length 80
    Block Size 21200
    1st Extent Blocks 100
    2nd Extent Blocks 50
  5. Use the JCL as an example to unterse the distributed CNTL file into the newly created CONNECTCDC.Vnnnn.CNTL library.
  6. Edit JCL member ALLOCDS, set the dataset names for your environment, and submit to create the Connect CDC system libraries. The return code from this job should be 0.
    Note: Precisely suggests that libraries are named with the current release (for example, V40016) versus the release-build to minimize the impact of future versions on existing Connect CDC processes.
  7. Use JCL member UNTERLIB to unterse the distribution library members into their respective libraries as illustrated in the following table.
    Distribution File Description File Size z/OS File Attributes Target z/OS Library
    DBRM.terse Db2 Database Request Module 25 KB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.DBRMLIB
    ISPF.terse ISPF interface modules 274 KB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.ISPFLIB
    PARM.terse PARMLIB members 5 KB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.PARMLIB
    PROC.terse PROCLIB members 6 KB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.PROCLIB
    OBJLIB.terse Object Modules 35 MB FB 1024 CONNECTCDC.Vnnn.OBJLIB
    • The naming pattern of the tersed and untersed datasets are similar.
    • ISPF distribution files are packaged as a version-release, specific to the ISPF interface (for example, V953D01).
    • The remaining distribution files are packaged with a version-release, specific to the DMX CDC components (for example, V953D0).
  8. Use JCL member UNTEROBJ to unterse the CDC object modules into the OBJLIB created in Step 6 above. The return code from this job should be 0.
  9. Edit the CDCLINK procedure in the CDC PROCLIB to specify the required system dataset names (that is, Language Environment, VSAM, CICS, DB2, etc.).

    The CDCLINK procedure contains instructions on the necessary modification.

  10. Edit the CDCLINK JCL in the CNTL library to set the dataset names and submit the job. The return code from this job should be 0.
  11. For DB2 installations, use JCL member BINDCDC to bind the Connect CDC Package and Plan to Db2. This requires DB2 DBADM privilege.
  12. The Connect CDC LOADLIB must be APF-authorized. Initially, this can be done using the operator’s console via the SETPROG APF command.
    You should verify that the APF authorization is made a permanent part of the IPL APF-authorization procedure. You must have proper system-level privilege in order to APF-authorize the load library.