Master controller command syntax - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Utilities

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Utilities
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Last edition
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Commands can be issued to the z/OS Master Controller from one or more of the following sources:

  • The Operator’s console - Commands entered from the operator’s console adhere to normal z/OS conventions such as ‘P’ for STOP and ‘F’ for MODIFY. Execution of commands from the operator’s console is immediate.
  • Replying to an outstanding WTOR message - In order to issue commands from an outstanding WTOR message, WTOR=Y must be specified in the startup parameter file. Execution of commands from an outstanding WTOR is immediate.
  • From a IBM MQ command queue - In order to issue commands from the IBM MQ command queue, the CMDQUE keyword must contain a valid IBM MQ queue name. The SQDCOPYQ utility is used to insert commands in the command queue. A sample JCL member (MASTCMD) is supplied in the SQDATA.V4nn.CNTL library.
Note: When issuing commands through the command queue, there may be a delay of up to 30 seconds before the command is received by the z/OS Master Controller.
Command Function Command Description
Display Process Status D Displays the status of the Connect CDC SQData subtasks running under the Master Controller
Report   The output of the runtime report can be found in the SYSPRINT or REPORT DD statement for the engine subtask.
Test FAILJCL for Engine J nn Submits the fail JCL for an process instance
Reset FAILJCL Counter F nn Resets the fail count for an process instance to 0
Purge Process P nn Forces a termination of a process instance
Start Process Instance S nn Starts a specific process instance
Shutdown Master Controller STOP Shuts down the Master Controller
Terminate Process Instance T nn Stops a specific process instance normally