Instructs the sqdaemon to gracefully terminate.
sqdmon shutdown [//host_name] [-s port_num | --service=port_num] [--identity=<path_to/nacl_id>]
Keyword and Parameter Descriptions
Parameter | Description |
//host_name | Host name of the system running sqdaemon. Not required for "Localhost". |
-s port_num | --service=port_num | A port number is required for both "Localhost" and remote sqdaemons unless they are listening on the Connect CDC SQData default port number 2626. |
--identity=<path_to/nacl_id> | The location of the user's private key. Only required if it is not in the default location, the .nacl directory under the user's home directory. |
- sqdaemons cannot be stopped on z/OS using sqdmon.
- Shutdown of the daemon on other platforms can only be performed by the user that started daemon or by another user with sysadmn access rights as defined in the daemon's Access Control List File (acl.cfg).