modify (zLog) - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Utilities

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Utilities
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There are two levels of parameters for every zLog Publisher that can be modified. In both cases these modifications can be staged and then applied when ready, see the apply action. Change information relative to the Publisher agent (IMS and VSAM/CICS only) or an individual Source.

Publisher level parameters include:

sqdconf modify <cab_file_name>
[--encryption | --no-encryption]
Keyword and Parameter Descriptions
Keyword Description
<cab_file_name> Configuration file for the zLog Publisher Agent, including its path.
[ --lsn =<number>] IMS Only, This specifies a point in time to start publishing, using the native database's system for uniquely identifying such points. This log point indicates that any transaction committed prior to or at this log point is deemed already published. Zero means current.
--add-zlog=<log_stream_name> Add a System Log Stream.
--remove-zlog=<log_stream_name> Remove a System Log Stream.
[--encryption | --no-encryption] Enables or disables NaCL encryption of the published CDC record payload. On z/OS Precisely recommends zIIP processors be used to enhance CPU cycle efficiency and reduce CPU cost associated with NaCL software encryption.
[--auth-keys-list="<name>"] Required for NaCL software encrypted CDC record payload. File name must be enclosed in quotes and must contain public key(s) of only the subscribing Engines requiring encryption of the CDC record payload. See --encryption option.

Source record and Engine subscription level parameters include.

sqdconf modify <cab_file_name>
[--datastore | --add-datastore=[cdc:///<publisher-agent_alias>/<engine_agent_alias>] --remove-datastore]
[--lsn | --rba]=<number>]
[--active | --inactive]
Keyword Description
<cab_file_name> Must be specified and must match the name specified in the previous create command.
--key=<name> Source object name. See Add command.
[--add-datastore=<datastore_url> | --datastore=<datastore_url> | -d <datastore_url>] See Add command.
[--remove-datastore=<datastore_url> | -r <datastore_url>] Remove a URL identifying a target datastore from the target list of the associated entry. See --add-datastore.
[ --lsn =<number>] IMS Only, This specifies a point in time to start publishing to the specific target datastore, using the native database's system for uniquely identifying such points. This log point indicates that any transaction committed prior to or at this log point is deemed already published. Zero means current.
[--active | --inactive] Mark a table as active or in-active for capture. The table will remain in the current state until the Capture is stopped, applied and re-started.