modify (Capture) - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Utilities

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Utilities
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There are two levels of parameters for every IMS Log Reader, the IMS Control Region and IMS Subsystem. Only the -lsn/-rba number can be changed for the IMS Log Reader Capture.

Capture level parameters:

sqdconf modify <cab_file_name>
[--lsn =<STCK.sequence_number>]
[--add-feed |--remove-feed]=<feed_log_stream_name>
[--job-exit=[<member_name> | '']
[--filter-exit=[<member_name> | '']
Keyword and Parameter Descriptions
Keyword Description
<cab_file_name> Must be specified and must match the name specified in the previous create command.
--zlog=<log_stream_name> The z/OS System LogStream created earlier.
[--lsn =<STCK.sequence_number>] Specifies a UTC timestamp and an IMS Log Sequence Number. The timestamp is a 16 hexadecimal digit time of day UTC clock value in IBM Store Clock (STCK) format. The Sequence Number is a 1 to 16 hexadecimal digit IMS log Sequence Number. The lsn 0 or 0.0 specifies "now" which is the default when this parm is not specified.
--add-feed | --remove-feed= <feed=<feed_log_stream_name> A z/OS System LogStream used by the IMS Log Capture to process DL/I Batch Job logs. Must be created using the IXCMIAPU utility as a prerequisite to processing any DL/I Batch Job logs.
--job-exit=[<member_name> | ''] A user exit stored in a program LOADLIB that can tell the Log Reader Capture which Batch DLI jobs to look for and write to the LogStream for Publishing and which to ignore. A sample program, IMSCUJX is provided in the product distribution SAMPLIB dataset. Two quotes indicates there is no defined Job Exit program and can be used to toggle on and off the Job Exit even when the --feed=<feed_log_stream_name> is still present.
--filter-exit=[<member_name> | ''] A user written exit stored in a program LOADLIB that can filter and control captured data written to the LogStream for publishing. A sample program, IMSCUFX is provided in the product distribution SAMPLIB dataset. Two quotes indicates there is no defined exit and can be used to toggle on and off the Filter Exit.
Note: See the IMS Log Reader Capture for details regarding the configuration and use of the Feed, Job and Filter Exits.