create (Capture) - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Utilities

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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Utilities
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The IMS Log Reader Capture Agent configuration (.cab) file is created and maintained by the SQDconf utility. While this section focuses primarily on the initial configuration of the Capture Agent, sequences of SQDconf commands to create and configure the capture agent should be saved in a zOS PARMLIB member for migration to other operating environments and for recovery.

The SQDconf create command will be used to prepare the initial Capture configuration (.cab) file for the IMS Log Reader Capture agent:

create <cab_file_name>
Keyword and Parameter Descriptions
Keyword Description
<cab_file_name> Path and name of the Capture Configuration (.cab) file. The directory must exist and the user-id associated with the agent must have the right to create and delete files in that directory. Precisely recommends including the Capture Agent alias as the third node in the directory structure and first node of the file name, for example, /home/sqdata/imscdc/
--type=<type> Agent type, in the case of the IMS Log Reader Capture, IMS.
--zlog=<log_stream_name> The default z/OS System LogStream used for all IMS Subsystems that do not have their own dedicated System LogStream. It must be created using the IXCMIAPU utility as a prerequisite before the Capture can be started.
--feed=<feed_log_stream_name> A z/OS System LogStream used by the IMS Log Capture to process DL/I Batch Job logs. Must be created using the IXCMIAPU utility as a prerequisite to processing any DL/I Batch Job logs.
  • The SQDconf create command defines the .cab file and the location and name of the zlog LogStream. Once created, this command should never be run again unless the Capture agent is being recreated.
  • Unlike the some Capture/Publisher configuration files, changes to the IMS Log Reader configuration file take effect immediately and do not require the usual stop/apply/start sequence.
  • The Directory path references, in the example /home/sqdata/imscdc/ can be modified to conform to the operating environment but must match the Connect CDC SQData Variable Directory created in the Prepare Environment Section for the Capture.