Control command syntax - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Utilities

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Utilities
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While the Maintenance Commands manage agent configurations the Control Commands manage the operation of the respective Capture and Publisher agents.

These commands control the operating state of the agent:

  • Mount - Brings an Agent On-line but does not instruct it to begin processing data. On z/OS this command is replaced by the execution of the agent Started Task or Job.
  • Apply - Commit Changes to configuration
  • Start - Start an Agent
  • Pause - Pause a started agent
  • Resume -Resume a paused agent
  • Stop - Stop an Agent
  • Unmount - Take an Agent Off-line, effectively terminating its execution.
  • Disconnect - Sever the connection between the Capture/Publisher and a subscribing Engine
  • Display - Displays the current contents of the Agent configuration including those statistics and operational parameters maintained in the configuration.
  • Tune - Advanced performance tuning and diagnostic performance testing only.
  • On zOS, each of these commands can be issued at the Console or using an SQDCONF JOB:
    Command Function Description
    P <task_name> Stops and unmounts the agent immediately
    F <task_name>,PAUSE Pauses the agent
    F <task_name>,RESUME Resumes the agent after a pause
    F <task_name>,DISPLAY Display of the agent cab file with the output being written to SYSPRINT in the running STC
    F <task_name>,STOP Stops the agent but leaves it mounted
    F <task_name>,STOP,UNMOUNT Stops and unmounts the agent (same as P command)
    F <task_name>,STOP,FLUSH Stops the agent after flushing out any UOWs that began before the command was issued, then unmounts
    F <task_name>,STOP,FLUSH,FAILOVER Same as STOP,FLUSH except that it instructs downstream engines to try to reconnect for up to 10 minutes
    F <task_name>,START Starts an agent that was previously stopped, but still mounted
    F <task_name>,APPLY Applies pending cab file changes to the agent's cab file. Agent must be mounted, stopped in order to apply
  • Changes made to an agent configuration are not effective until they are applied. The "apply" operation instructs the agent to process the SQDconf commands that have been previously issued but not yet actually processed by the agent itself. Separating the apply step from the add/modify/remove steps provide for the staging of a production change in advance of its deployment. It minimizes the risk of accidentally impacting production operations.