Connect CDC (SQData) Replicator Engine problems are generally associated with target datastores.
Some points to consider when diagnosing and correcting problems with the SQData Replicator Engine are listed below.
- Datastores (source and target) must exist and be accessible to the Engine during execution. This includes remote sqdaemon's, capture/publishers, local file systems and Kafka and HDFS clusters.
- Interacting with the Confluent Schema Registry requires specification of the corresponding "Subject", provided in either a MAPPINGS statement or by a MAPPINGS EXIT.
object name alias rec type name topic subject version id SQD2DB00.SRC_KEY_20 0 0 SQD1DB00.SRC_KEY_15 0 0 SQD.EMP ! ! ! ! ! 0 ! 0 SQDC016I sqdrpl(pid=22318) terminated with Return Code 8, Reason Code=0x227c006 (RPLUAVRO_MISSING_SUBJECT)
- Any errors in processing a target datastore will result in the Replicator Engine terminating with a return code of 8 or higher. All source CDC records from UOW's not fully processed and acknowledged are preserved and will be automatically republished once the Replicator is restarted.
- The Replicator script referenced in either command line operation or when specified in a controller sqdaemon sqdagents.cfg file may require specification of either relative or full path information.
SQDC072E File engines/sqdrpl_case1.rpl could not be loaded (0x11c00c:FILE_STAT_ERROR) SQDY004E Could not open file: engines/sqdrpl_case1.rpl SQDC016I sqdrpl(pid=22102) terminated with Return Code 8, Reason Code=0x11c00c (FILE_STAT_ERROR)
- The SQData Replicator produces a report providing statistics about the number of input/source records processed and the number of target records written along with a histogram describing performance.