The recovery process while relatively simple, should be planned and tested. Consideration, for example, should be given to the how the length of the original failure might affect recovery. Once the event that triggered Auto-Disable has been resolved, the Capture Agent will automatically resume normal processing. This means that data recovered by this process will be out of sequence with data currently being captured.
- A zFS file is required to hold the ICDC records.
- The recovery utility requires an NACL public/private key setup, similar to what is used for IMS TM EXIT Capture.
- The recovery utility only reads SLDS datasets, so it will be necessary to force an OLDS switch once the capture agent auto-disable has been resolved and the recovery process has been completed.
- The recovery utility does not have access to the XPARM routing used by the capture agent, consequently all recovered data goes to a single LogStream. Recovery planning may determine that a separate recovery engine be maintained on standby to process the recovered IMS CDC records. This provides an opportunity to determine exactly what was recovered as well as resolve any conflicts that may occur due to out of sequence application of changes to the target datastores.