Changes not being captured - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Troubleshooting

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Troubleshooting
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The common culprits for changed data not being captured include:

  • The table has not been altered to activate the capture. See Configure Db2 Tables for Capture in the help for information on activating a table for capture.
  • The table has not been added to the capture configuration CAB file. See Create Db2/z Capture CAB file and Capture New Db2/z Data .
  • The table added to the capture configuration CAB file and made Active but the table name is incorrect. This is a more serious mistake in configuration because during the initialization phase the capture the catalog will be queried for each table marked Active. Any such table that does not exist in the catalog will prevent capture from starting. The job log will contain the following error:
    SQDF048E The description of table <schema.table_name> could not be retrieved from the database
  • The capture agent is not active. Even though the capture agent was MOUNTED and STARTED successfully, it may have terminated due to the unavailability of an archived log.
  • The following message is an example of a Capture failure that requires looking at the Db2 system log for more details:
    08.03.40 STC48240  SQDF023E Capture thread was interrupted at Log Point:0x00DB534666F224AA
    08.03.40 STC48240  SQDF023X 0000 for config file /home/sqdata/, rc(0x45c001:IF
    08.03.40 STC48240  SQDF023X I_READS_ERROR)

    Db2 only returned a general IFI_READS_ERROR. The Db2 system log from the same point in time pointed out that the LSN was on an inaccessible Archive Log.

  • The Capture requires both the Bind and authorization of a Db2 Package/Plan to utilize the Db2/z Log Reader. If your capture started task Job Log contains the following error the Bind was likely performed but the Db2 Grant to authorize its use was not:

  • Switch to the diagnostic (dev) version of the executable code by switching to to the XQDDB2C version of the Capture program and un-commenting //*SQDLOG8 DD DUMMY, see Prepare Db2/z Capture Runtime JCL including any additional logging parameters instructed by Precisely support.