Common Apply Engine Problems - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Troubleshooting

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Troubleshooting
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Common problems that can be encountered with the Apply Engine and the associated corrective action are provided in this section.
  • Termination due to formatting errors with a source data record.

This error is identified by the issuance of message SQD0080E.

Probable Cause:
  • The input datastore contains data that does not match the datastore description. Make sure that the layout in the DESCRIPTION statement matches the source datastore.
  • The input datastore contains invalid (dirty) data. This error usually requires the cleansing of the source data before this datastore can be processed successfully.

Common Solution:

Add the INVALID command, for example: INVALID ALLNUM SET ZERO
  • Termination due to a datastore not being accessible.
Probable Cause:
  • The datastore does not exist (i.e. has not been allocated)
  • The datastore name is not spelled correctly.
  • The datastore is not accessible to the Apply Engine. Make sure that the datastore specification identifies the correct path or DD statement (z/OS).
  • Termination due to an IBM MQ error.
Probable Cause:
  • An IBM MQ error has occurred during execution of the Connect CDC (SQData) Engine. This error is accompanied by message SQD0122E, which provides the IBM MQ reason code that indicates the specific IBM MQ error. These IBM MQ reason codes can be found in the IBM MQ messages and codes manual.

The IBM MQ errors that are most likely to occur are listed in the following table.

IBM MQ Reason Code Description Corrective Action(s)
2024 Sync point Limit Reached - The unit of work (number of records processed between commits) has exceeded the limit of the target queue manager.
  • Increase the sync point limit of the target queue manager. This limit should be set at least one (1) greater than the largest unit-of-work.
  • Set the commit count to a lower value in the Apply Engine script using the COMMIT command.
2030 Message Too Big For Queue – The message (record) being written to the target queue is too large for the queue.
  • Increase the maximum message size for the target queue.
  • Reduce the number/size of the target fields in the output message.
2031 Message Too Big For Queue Mgr – The message (record) being written to the target queue is larger than that allowed by the target queue manager.
  • Increase the maximum message size for the target queue manager.
  • Reduce the number/size of the target fields in the output message
2035 Not Authorized – The user ID executing the Apply Engine is not authorized to access the target queue and/or queue manager.
  • Execute the authorization (connect, put, get) to the target queue and/or queue manager.
  • Grant the proper access authority (connect, get, put) to the user ID executing the Apply Engine.
2053 Queue Full – The target queue is full.
  • Increase the depth of the target queue to accommodate the number of messages that are being written to the queue.
  • Make sure that any processes that read (get) messages from the target queue are operational. An example of a process would be an MQSi flow(s).
  • If the target queue is a remote queue, make sure that the transmission (XMIT) channel is operational.
2161 Queue Manager Quiescing – The target queue manager is shutting down in quiesce mode.
  • Wait until the target queue manager is operational and restart the Apply Engine.
2162 Queue Manager Stopping – The target queue manager is shutting down in force mode.
  • Wait until the target queue manager is operational and restart the Apply Engine.