This section is intended to help you create Connect CDC (SQData) Replicator Engine Configuration Scripts. While the initial efforts may be a "Proof of Concept" or POC, involving only a handful of source datastores, the typical Connect CDC SQData implementation eventually grows to encompass tens if not hundreds or even thousands of source Tables, making how you have decided to name them critical to your long term success.
Unlike most "programs", Replicator Engine Configuration Scripts can process source data from a variety of platforms. While the initial implementation supports only z/OS DB2 and IMS databases it will be extended to support other Relational source including Oracle and Db2/LU. While Db2/z source table schema's are required in order to format the data as JSON or AVRO, the Replicator Engine will receive the Relational source descriptions as part of the published CDC data, facilitating real-time schema evolution. That contrasts with the Apply Engine which requires copies of source Descriptions when the script is parsed.
The following sections discuss the organization and naming, the appropriate use of Upper and Lower case characters as well as the use of comments and spacing in Engine scripts, all intended to simplify and standardize both the process of script development and the structure and readability of the scripts themselves.