Precisely recommends using a local Engine Controller Daemon for managing the execution of Replicator Engines. The local SQDAEMON, described in detail in the SQDAEMON utility reference, provides enables a number of features including:
•The ability to display the SQDAEMON's inventory, the list of all agents managed by the local daemon and their current operating state.
•The ability to Start and Stop the Replicator
•The ability to Display the detailed status of the Replicator including source and target datastore record counts.
•The ability to launch other types of agents including shell and other scripts or even SQDUTIL operations that can perform any desired function such as initiating a Target table refresh.
•The ability to perform all of these activities remotely and securely.
•The local SQDAEMON performs the same NaCL Key validation procedure as the remote daemon does for Replicator connection requests.
The following syntax is used for invoking the Replicator Engine on Linux using a local Controller Daemon:
start <agent_name> [-s port_num | --service=port_num ] [--identity=<path_to/nacl_id>]
Keyword | Description |
url | Typically //<host_name>/<agent_name> as defined in the sqdagents.cfg file of the sqdaemon on that host system. Host name may be an TCP/IP address and No host_name is required for "Localhost". |
<agent_name> | Agent name specified in sqdagents.cfg file. Typically the <replicator>.rpl file name without the extension or the name specified as the subscribing Engine in the source Capture/Publisher configuration (CAB) file. |
<name> | Name of the replicator script file without the extension or the name specified as the subscribing Engine in the source Capture/Publisher configuration (CAB) file. |
-s port_num | --service=port_num | A port number is required for both "Localhost" and remote sqdaemons unless they are listening on the Connect CDC (SQData) default port number 2626. |
--identity=<path_to/nacl_id> | The location of the user's private key. Only required if it is not in the default location, the .nacl directory under the user's home directory. |
A Replicator Engine used to stream Db2z CDC data to Kafka.
- Define the replicator agent in the sqdagents.cfg file:
[DB2RKAFKA] type=engine program=sqdrpl args=./ENGINE/DB2RKAFKA.rpl working_directory=/home/nTEST message=/home/nTEST/ stderr_file=/home/nTEST/DB2RKAFKA.rpt stdout_file=/home/nTEST/DB2RKAFKA.rpt auto_start=no
- Start the Replicator using SQDMON utility.
sqdmon start DB2RKAFKA