The Replicator Engine can be invoked from the command line, inheriting the working directory and other previously established environmental setting, a shell script or using the Engine Controller Daemon.
sqdrpl [-check] <engine>.rpl > <engine>.rpt
Keyword and Parameter Descriptions
Keyword | Description |
<engine> | Name of the Replicator Engine script file. |
[-check] | Optional parameter used ONLY to confirm: the connection to the Source Capture/Publisher, receipt of published schemas and the location of the Confluent Schema Registry. |
Example 1
The following command line text invokes the Engine using the Replicator Engine script named DB2TOKAF.rpl. The Runtime report is to be written to the file named DB2TOKAF.rpt.
sqdrpl [-check] ./ENGINE/DB2TOKAF.rpl > DB2TOKAF.rpt
Example 2
The Replicator Engine can also be started using the sqdmonutility and the previously configured Engine controller daemon. Once again the command can be executed from the command line or using a simple Shell script.
- It is recommend the optional "-check" parameter be used at once to confirm the location of the Confluent Schema Registry and receipt of published schemas and to ensure the generated Schemas meet your needs and expectations. Schemas not present in the Registry will be output to a file for review. The Replicator will terminate after performing those initialization steps.
- Because the Apply Engine controller daemon was configured to listen on the default TCP/IP port 2626 it is unnecessary to specify the port when running sqdmon. If another port number was used the --service=<port> or -s <port> would be included in the command.
- The previously mentioned sqdata_kafka_producer.conf file is located in the Working Directory of the Apply Engine at launch therefore, depending on how the engine is started, it may need to be relocated.