zFS variable directories - connect_cdc_sqdata - aws_mainframe_modernization_service - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Installation

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Installation
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On z/OS Connect CDC (SQData) product components and most parameter and configuration data will be installed in partitioned datasets. Controller Daemon and Capture/Publisher agent configurations will however be stored in the z/OS UNIX Systems Services file system, commonly referred to as zFS. The Controller Daemon, Capture, Storage and Publisher agents require a predefined zFS directory structure used to store a small number of files. While only the configuration directory is required and the location of the agent and daemon directories is optional, Precisely recommends the structure described below, where <home> and a "user" named <sqdata> could be modified to conform to the operating environment and a third level created for the Controller Daemon:

Directory Description
/<home>/<sqdata> The home directory used by the Connect CDC (SQData).
/<home>/<sqdata>/daemon The working directory used by the Daemon that also contains two sub directories.
  • /<home>/<sqdata>/daemon/cfg - A configuration directory that contains two configuration files.
  • /<home>/<sqdata>/daemon/logs - A logs directory, though not required, is suggested to store log files used by the controller daemon. Its suggested location below must match the file locations specified in the Global section of the sqdagents.cfg file created.

Additional directories should be created for each Capture/Publisher. Precisely recommend the structures described below:

Directory Description
/<home>/<sqdata>/db2cdc The working directory for the Db2 Capture and CDCStore Storage agents. The Capture and CDCStore configuration (.cab) Files will be maintained in this directory along with small temporary files used to maintain connections to the active agents.
/<home>/<sqdata>/db2cdc/data A data directory is required by the Db2 Capture. Files will be allocated in this directory as needed by the CDCStore Storage Agent when transient data exceeds allocated in-memory storage. The suggested location below must match the "data_path" specified in the Storage agent configuration (.cab file) described later in this chapter. A dedicated File System is required in production with this directory as the "mount point".
/<home>/<sqdata>/imscdc The working directory for the IMS Capture and CDCzLOG Publisher agents. The Capture and Publisher (.cab) Files will be maintained in this directory along with small temporary files used to maintain connections to the active agents.
/<home>/<sqdata>/[vsampub | kfilepub] The working directory for the VSAM and Keyed File Compare Capture's CDCzLOG Publisher agent. The Publisher configuration (.cab) File will be maintained in this directory along with small temporary files used to maintain connections to the active agents.


JCL similar to the sample member ALLOCZDR included in the distribution should be used to allocate the necessary directories. The JCL should be edited to conform to the operating environment.
//* Allocate zFS Directories for Daemon and CAB Files 
//* Note: 1) These directories are use by the Controller Daemon, 
//* CDCStore and CDCzLog based capture agents 
//* 2) The 1st, 2nd and 3rd level directories can be changed but 
//* we recommend the 2nd Level be a User named sqdata. 
//* 3) Leave /daemon and /daemon/cfg as specified 
//* 4) Your UserID may need to be defined as SUPERUSER to 
//* successfully run this Job 
//* Delete Existing Directories 
//* OSHELL rm -r /home/sqdata /* 
//* Create New ZFS Directories for Controller Daemon & Captures 
PROFILE MSGID WTPMSG MKDIR '/home/sqdata/' + MODE(7,7,5)
MKDIR '/home/sqdata/daemon/' + MODE(7,7,5)
MKDIR '/home/sqdata/daemon/cfg' + MODE(7,7,5)
MKDIR '/home/sqdata/db2cdc/' + MODE(7,7,5) 
MKDIR '/home/sqdata/db2cdc/data/' + MODE(7,7,5)
MKDIR '/home/sqdata/imscdc/' + MODE(7,7,5)
MKDIR '/home/sqdata/vsampub/' + MODE(7,7,5)
MKDIR '/home/sqdata/kfilepub' + MODE(7,7,5)
  • Consider changing default umask setting in the /etc/profile file, or in your .cshrc or .login file.
  • While many zFS File systems are configured with /u as the "home" directory, others use /home, the standard on Linux. References in the Connect CDC (SQData) JCL and documentation will use /home for consistency. Check with your Systems programmer regarding zFS on your systems.
  • The User-ID(s) and/or Started Tasks under which the Controller Daemon and Captures will run must be authorized for Read/Write access to the zFS directories.
  • A more traditional "nix" style structure may also be used where "sqdata", the product, would be a subdirectory in the structure "/var/opt/sqdata/" with the daemon and data sub-directory structures inside sqdata.
  • The BPXPRMxx member used for IPLs should be updated to include the mount point(s) for this zFS directory structure.