Install Connect CDC (SQData) using JCL - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Installation

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Installation
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While Connect CDC (SQData) is typically installed from a Windows workstation, these instructions, with minor adjustments, will work from any environment.
  1. Prepare to Download Distribution Files

    On your workstation, create a Connect CDC (SQData) directory and a Version/Release specific sub-directory. We recommend a directory structure similar to the following for this and future releases.

    D:\SQData                 The base product directory
    D:\SQData\V4nnnn          A ver-rel-build specific sub-directory
  2. Download the Distribution Files

    Connect CDC (SQData) for z/OS is available for download from Support. Download the seven Connect CDC (SQData) distribution files into newly created version-release sub-directory. If necessary, unzip the distribution to yield the terse files.

  3. Upload Distribution Files to z/OS

    Upload the Connect CDC (SQData) distribution terse files, in binary, to your z/OS system. Make sure that you upload these files to datasets with a format of FB 1024.

    You may be able to use a windows Batch file to FTP the distribution files. Cut and paste the following lines and paste into an new file named UpLoadSQD.bat; save the file and execute at the command line:
    echo off
    rem ****************************************************************
    rem * Command Script to Upload the SQDATA Distribution Terse Files*
    rem ****************************************************************
    rem ----------------------------------------------------------------
    rem Modify the following as required for your environment below
    rem ----------------------------------------------------------------
    rem SDIR: the name of the source Windows directory
    rem V: the Version number
    rem R: the Release number
    rem B: the Build number
    rem HOST: the name or IP address of the z/OS host system
    rem USER: a valid z/OS userid for the target host system
    rem PSWD: a valid z/OS password for the target host system
    rem HLQ: High level library Qualifier on target host system
    rem ----------------------------------------------------------------
    rem ****************************************************************
    rem * Dynamically create an FTP script file and upload all the *
    rem * TERSE files to the target host SQDATA High Level Qualifier* *
    rem ****************************************************************
    set /p SDIR="Enter your Download Directory: "
    dir %SDIR%
    set /p V="Enter single digit Version: "
    set /p R="Enter two digit Release: "
    set /p B="Enter two digit Build: "
    set /p HOST="Enter your zOS Host name or IP Address: "
    set /p USER="Enter your zOS User-ID: "
    set /p PSWD="Enter your zOS Password: "
    set /p HLQ="Enter the High level library Qualifier eg:TEST: "
    echo %user%                        >  u.ftp
    echo %pswd%                        >> u.ftp
    echo prompt                        >> u.ftp
    echo binary                        >> u.ftp
    echo quote site recfm=fb lrecl=1024 blksize=27648 cy pri=10 sec=10   >> u.ftp
    echo cd '%HLQ%' >> u.ftp
    echo put %SDIR%/%V%.%R%.%B%/SQDATA.*.CNTL.TERSE SQDATA.V%V%%R%%B%.CNTL.TERSE >> u.ftp
    echo put %SDIR%/%V%.%R%.%B%/SQDATA.*.DBRMLIB.TERSE SQDATA.V%V%%R%%B%.DBRMLIB.TERSE >> u.ftp
    echo put %SDIR%/%V%.%R%.%B%/SQDATA.*.ISPFLIB.TERSE SQDATA.V%V%%R%%B%.ISPFLIB.TERSE >> u.ftp
    echo put %SDIR%/%V%.%R%.%B%/SQDATA.*.PARMLIB.TERSE SQDATA.V%V%%R%%B%.PARMLIB.TERSE >> u.ftp
    echo put %SDIR%/%V%.%R%.%B%/SQDATA.*.PGMOBJ.TERSE SQDATA.V%V%%R%%B%.PGMOBJ.TERSE >> u.ftp
    echo put %SDIR%/%V%.%R%.%B%/SQDATA.*.PROCLIB.TERSE SQDATA.V%V%%R%%B%.PROCLIB.TERSE >> u.ftp
    echo put %SDIR%/%V%.%R%.%B%/SQDATA.*.SAMPLIB.TERSE SQDATA.V%V%%R%%B%.SAMPLIB.TERSE >> u.ftp
    echo quit                         >> u.ftp
    ftp -s:u.ftp %host%
    echo you may delete this file     > u.ftp
    echo File transfer complete
  4. Allocate the CNTL (JCL) Library

    Allocate a z/OS partitioned dataset, SQDATA.V4nnnn.CNTL to store the JCL using the following attributes. We recommend naming installation libraries with the full ver/rel/build, i.e. V40031. Production libraries are often named with only the ver/rel, ie V400 to minimize the impact of upgrades on existing JCL, Procs, Parms, etc.

    Attributes Value
    Organization PO
    Directory Blocks 50
    Record Format FB
    Record Length 80
    Block Size 21200
    1st Extent Blocks 100
    2nd Extent Blocks 50
  5. Unterse the Distribution CNTL file

    Using the following JCL as an example, unterse the distribution CNTL file into the newly created SQDATA.V4nnnn.CNTL library.

  6. Create System Libraries

    Edit CNTL member ALLOCDS, set the dataset names for your environment and submit to create the SQDATA system libraries. The return code from this job should be 0.

  7. Unterse the System Library Members

    Using CNTL member UNTERLIB, unterse the distribution library members into their respective libraries as illustrated in the following table.

    File name Description Target z/OS Library
    SQDATA.ZOS.V4nnnn.PGMOBJ.TERSE Object modules SQDATA.V4nnnnn.PGMOBJ
  8. Prepare to Link the Load Modules

    Edit the SQDLINK procedure in the SQDATA PROCLIB to specify the required system dataset names (i.e. Language Environment, IMS, CICS, Db2, etc.). The SQDLINK procedure contains instructions on the necessary modifications.

  9. Link the Load Modules

    Edit the SQDLINK JCL in the CNTL library to set the dataset names and submit the job. The return code from this job should be 0.

    Requirements for Linking will vary depending on both the type of Capture to be used and other environmental factors. Review the Implementation checklists and environment preparation steps for each type of capture to be deployed. Beginning with SQDLINKA, edit the JCL member(s) in the CNTL library to set the dataset names and submit the jobs. The return codes from each Job must be 0.

  10. APF Authorize the Load Library
    Important: The SQD LOADLIB must be APF authorized. Initially, this can be done via the operator’s console via the SETPROG APF command.
    The list of currently APF authorized files can be viewed using the z/OS ISPF/SDSF facility. First, enter "/D PROG, APF" at the SDSF command prompt to generate the list. Next, enter "LOG" at the SDSF command prompt, scroll to the bottom of the log to display the results of the previous command and then back up and to the right to view the complete listing of the command.
    Note: Make sure that the APF authorization is made a permanent part of the IPL APF authorization procedure prior to attempting to run SQData.
  11. Other z/OS Security Requirements

    While some security authorization requirements are specific to the types of source datastores to be captured, other requirements apply to all components. For more information, see Security authorization requirements for z/OS.