Kafka <context> (<errno>) <errmsg>
A failure occurred interacting with kafka. The context indicates an attempted operation, result, or status. The error number and error message are from librdkafka. Possible values include:
Kafka ack in error, ktm->errno, errstr
Kafka buffer, errno, errstr
Kafka Failed to set metadata.broker.list, errno, errstr
Kafka Failed to create new producer, errno, errstr
Kafka ack in error, ktm->errno, errstr
Kafka buffer, errno, errstr
Kafka Failed to set auto.commit to false, errno, errstr
Kafka Failed to set enable.auto.offset.store to true, errno, errstr
Kafka Failed to set auto.offset.reset to earliest, errno, errstr
Kafka Failed to set metadata.broker.list, errno, errstr
Kafka Failed to create new consumer, errno, errstr
Kafka Failed to create new producer, errno, errstr)
Kafka buffer, res, WEAKAPI(kafka,rd_kafka_err2str)(res)
Kafka failed to commit consumer, res, WEAKAPI(kafka,rd_kafka_err2str)(res)