The following conventions are used in command and configuration syntax and examples in this document.
Convention | Explanation | Example |
Regular type | Items in regular type must be entered literally using either lowercase or uppercase letters. Items in Bold type are usually "commands" or "Actions". Note: Uppercase is often used in "z/OS" objects for consistency just as lowercase is often used on other platforms.
create CCSID /directory //SYSOUT DD * |
<variable> | Items between < and > symbols represent variables. You must substitute an appropriate numeric or text value for the variable. | <file_name> |
| Bar | A vertical Bar indicates that a choice must be made among items in a list separated by bars. | 'yes' | 'no' JSON | AVRO |
{} Braces | Braces are used to group Commands and Functions that must be evaluated and acted upon in sequence and most often conditionally. | {target.column_a = source column_atarget.column_b = source.column_b} |
[ ] Brackets | Brackets indicate that item is optional. Items separated by a | indicate a choice may be made among multiple items. | [alias] OR [yes | no] |
-- Double dash | Double dashes "--" are used in two contexts. They may precede an option keyword. Many keywords can also be abbreviated and preceded by a single dash "-". They are also used indicate the start of a single line comment. | --service=<port> OR -s <port> OR --apply OR -- this is a comment |
… Ellipsis | An ellipsis indicates that the preceding argument or group of arguments may be repeated. | [expression…] |
() Parenthesis | Parenthesis indicate that one or more "parameters" apply to the preceding Function |
Sequence number | A sequence number indicates that a series of arguments or values may be specified. The sequence number itself must never be specified. | field2 |
' ' Single quotes | Single quotation marks that appear in the syntax must be specified literally. | IF code_value = 'a' |