Once it has been determined changes to on-line and/or batch VSAM files are to be captured, the VSAM LOGREPLICATE function is simple to configure. Connect CDC (SQData) requires the following modifications in a typical environment:
- Using IDCAMS, add the LOGSTREAMID with the LogStream name previously created and LOGREPLICATE parameters to the VSAM files Cluster specification in the ICF catalog entry for each VSAM file to be captured. Example:
Note: If CICS opens VSAM files in RLS mode then the LOG parameter must be also be specified and included in the ALTER in addition to the parameters above:LOG(NONE|UNDO|ALL)
- CICS Replication Logging Recovery Parameters must also be set for each VSAM file to be captured by the LOGREPLICATE function, with BACKOUTONLY as the minimum settings. Example:
CEDA DEFINE FILE(name) GROUP(groupname) DSNAME(data set name) RECOVERY(NONE|BACKOUTONLY|ALL) FWDRECOVLOG(NO|1–99) BACKUPTYPE(STATIC|DYNAMIC) RECOVERY PARAMETERS RECOVery : None | Backoutonly | All Fwdrecovlog : No | 1-99 BAckuptype : Static | Dynamic
Note: For more information see IBM's documentation on the following:- CICS Replication logging
- Setting up access to VSAM datas sets for replication.
- The CEDA DEFINE command
- VSAM files accessed in non-RLS mode