How the Publisher Agent is "Started" depends on how it was "Stopped". Before simply resubmitting the JCL configured earlier in sample member SQDZLOGC, we recommend that checking the status using the SQDCONF utility using JCL similar to the following where the only input is the display command and the Publisher Agent cab file:
//* Display configuration file
display /home/sqdata/VSAMPUB/
If the Publisher is "Not Mounted" then it will be necessary to "Mount" the CDCzLog Publisher Agent by submitting the JCL configured earlier in sample member SQDZLOGC but with only the following SQDPARMS input:
Then depending on what you want to accomplish submit one or more SQDCONF utility jobs with JCL similar to the following with the desired command and the Publisher Agent cab file. The final job would contain the start command and look like the following:
start /home/sqdata/VSAMPUB/
Other <command> options include:
- add - Add a "source" to the list of items to be captured - Defaults to INACTIVE status, Must be "active" at the "source" level and APPLIED to truly become Active
- apply - Commit changes to the active configuration - Must be MOUNTED and STOPPED. Without APPLY even a "restart" does not commit.
- modify - Change information relative to the Publisher. Changes are inactive until APPLIED.
- remove - Remove a "source" from the list of items to be Published Must be APPLIED to truly become in-Active
- start - Activates the Publisher. Must be Mounted (Executing) and not already Started
In addition to using the SQDCONF utility, the following operator commands can also be issued to the Publisher:
- F <task_name>,PAUSE – Pauses the Publisher.
- F <task_name>,RESUME – Resumes the Publisher after a pause.
- F <task_name>,DISPLAY – Requests a display of the Publisher's CAB file with the output written to SYSPRINT in the running Started Task.
- F <task_name>,STOP – Stops the Publisher but leaves it mounted.
- F <task_name>,STOP,UNMOUNT – Stops and unmounts the Publisher (same as the P command).
- F <task_name>,START – Starts a Publisher that was previously stopped, but still mounted.
- F <task_name>,APPLY – Applies pending CAB file changes to the Publisher CAB file. The Agent must be stopped but still mounted in order to apply.