Straight replication is often used when a read only version of an existing datastore is needed or a remote hot backup is desired. The Apply Engine provides an easy to implement simple replication solution requiring very few instructions. It will also automatically detect out of sync conditions that have occurred due to issues outside of Connect CDC (SQData) control and perform compensation by converting updates to inserts (if the record does not exist in the target), inserts to updates (if the record already exists in the target) and drop deletes, if the record does not exist in the target.
Implementation of Straight Keyed File to Keyed File Replication requires selection and implementation the previously described Keyed File capture Method. Both the Apply Engine and the capture methods requires a number of environment specific activities that often involve people and resources from different parts of an organization. This section describes the activities associated with the Apply Engine so that the internal procedures can be initiated to complete those activities prior to or in parallel with the setup and configuration of the Connect CDC (SQData) capture components.