Implementation of the optional Dl/I Batch Job Exit enhances the operation of the optional but prerequisite DL/I Batch Feed Exit. It allows the Capture to determines if one or more particular DL/I Batch jobs should be captured or excluded from capture.
A sample Batch Job Exit program is included in the distribution SAMPLIB member IMSCUJX1. This module is written in assembler and requires clear understanding of its function before it is modified. Visit Precisely prior to making any modifications.
The triggering event is the presence of a record in a Feed LogStream that identifies the initiation of a DL/I Batch Job. The Log Capture sees the record, calls the Batch Job Feed Exit to read the parameters defining jobs to be included or excluded.
To configure DL/I batch job exit for one or more IMS log captures:
- The prerequisite configuration of the DL/I Batch Feed Exit .
- Review the SAMPLIB member IMSCUJX1 to determine if any changes are desired. The supplied sample module should be adequate for all scenarios.
- Use SAMPLIB member IMSCUJX1 to assemble and link the IMSCUJX Batch Job Feed Exit
- Use the SQDCONF utility and the modify command to specify the "Job" --job-exit=<member_name> where <member_name> is IMSCUJX unless something other than the SAMPLIB member is used. Example: Add the SAMPLIB Batch Job Exit to an existing IMS Log Capture configuration
sqdconf modify --job-exit=IMSCUJX
- Add both the UJXIN and UJXOUT DD statements to the IMS Log Reader Capture SQDIMSC Job or Started Task and specify using both default and explicit specifications the DL/I Batch Jobs that will trigger a Start/End Job event in the Batch Feed System LogStream switching the flow of Change Data accumulation from on-line to batch and back again.
Example: Exclude from capture all DL/I Batch Jobs, except those whose Job Names begin with G and P by adding the following DD names and parameters to the desired IMS Log Reader Capture.
The DCB characteristics of the two DD statements:UJXIN RECFM=FB,LRECL=80 UJXOUT RECFM=FBA,LRECL=133
- If multiple IMS log captures will be used to segregate processing and one or more use a different uniquely named Job Feed Exit, then it is possible that an additional uniquely named feed_log_Stream would also be required.