Operation - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Change Data Capture

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
Product name
Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Change Data Capture
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Note: Make sure Connect CDC (SQData) is installed.

IMS data that is changed will be logged by IMS, then Captured. Subscribing Engines will be authenticated by the Controller Daemon and CDC data will be Published via TCP/IP to each subscribing Engine, which will apply the data to the target datastores.

This section covers a few of the common operational activities likely to be encountered while in operation.

There are three methods supported for interacting with Connect CDC (SQDat)a components on z/OS:

  • ISPF panel Interface - The IMS Quickstart Guide provides detailed step by step instructions.
  • z/OS JCL - Traditional z/OS Jobs that execute the SQDCONF and SQDMON utilities and their full range of options for managing and controlling the SQDAEMON Controller Daemon and the z/OS IMS Log Reader Capture and zLog Publisher.
  • z/OS Console Commands - Duplicate many of the commands associated with the SQDCONF and SQDMON utility programs.
    Note: In order to issue any z/OS commands from TSO (including SDSF) the user must have TSO CONSOLE authority and possibly SDSF command authority.

IMS Log Reader Capture

Command Function Description
P <task_name> Stops and unmounts the capture immediately
F <task_name>,PAUSE Pauses the capture
F <task_name>,RESUME Resumes the capture after a pause
F <task_name>,DISPLAY Display of the capture cab file with the output being written to SYSPRINT in the running STC
F <task_name>,STOP Stops and unmounts the capture

CDCzLog Publisher

Command Function Description
P <task_name> Stops and unmounts the agent immediately
F <task_name>,PAUSE Pauses the agent
F <task_name>,RESUME Resumes the agent after a pause
F <task_name>,DISPLAY Display of the agent cab file with the output being written to SYSPRINT in the running STC
F <task_name>,STOP Stops the agent but leaves it mounted
F <task_name>,STOP,UNMOUNT Stops and unmounts the agent (same as P command)
F <task_name>,STOP,FLUSH Stops the agent after flushing out any UOWs that began before the command was issued, then unmounts
F <task_name>,STOP,FLUSH,FAILOVER Same as STOP,FLUSH except that it instructs downstream engines to try to reconnect for up to 10 minutes
F <task_name>,START Starts an agent that was previously stopped, but still mounted
F <task_name>,APPLY Applies pending cab file changes to the agent's cab file. Agent must be mounted, stopped in order to apply