The IMS TM EXIT Data Capture exit is controlled by a set of parameters referred to as the XPARM control module which is created by the SQDXPARM utility. An optional second step, which can be run independently (using sample member SQDAUPDX), dynamically updates the XPARM in ESCA. The XPARM control module is generated with JCL similar to the sample member GENXPRIZ included in the distribution.
The example in this section contains only the parameters required by the IMS TM EXIT Data Capture Agent. See SQDXPARM Utility for an explanation of each Keyword, their possible values and in particular the use of wild card selection values.
- The value for XPARM, in this example SQDXPRIS, matches the name of the corresponding PARMLIB member included in the distribution and by convention the name of the load module generated. The value for XPARM may not begin with the Letters "A" through "I" due to potential conflicts with other load module names.
- QMGR, must be set to 'LOGR'.
- The Object Destination section uses wild cards to identify both the Database and Segments to be captured and the LogStream previously defined in our example IVPDB1.*, and SQDATA.IMSCDC.LOG1.
- Programs and transactions excluded in our example are SQDATAI and TRANS01 respectively.
//GENXPRIZ JOB 1,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),MSGCLASS=H,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //* //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //* Generate XPARM Module - IMS TM EXIT Capture Agent //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //* Note: 1) Run this Job BEFORE generating the External Subsystem //* IMS TM EXIT Capture (SQDICDCL) with the GENICDCL //* Job //* //* 2) The second step Dynamically Updates the XPARM in ECSA //* //* Optional parameters: //* XPARM - Parameter source file from SQDATA PARMLIB //* **NOTE ** This will also be the name of the XPARM //* Load Module used by the Capture Agent //* //********************************************************************* //* //SQDPROCS JCLLIB ORDER=SQDATA.V400.PROCLIB //* //JOBLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SQDATA.V400.LOADLIB // DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IMSV14.PGMLIB //* //GENXIMS EXEC GENXPARM,XPARM=SQDXPRIZ //CRXPARM.DBDSRC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=USER.DBDLIB //*CRXPARM.SQDPRINP DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SQDATA.V400.PARMLIB(&XPARM) //CRXPARM.SQDPRINP DD * ------------------------------------ -- Sample XPARM ------------------------------------ TYPE=IMS -- SET TO IMS EXITVER=V4 -- REQUIRED FOR V4 CAPTURE AGENTS QMGR=LOGR -- ALWAYS SET TO LOGR INITMSG=Y -- ISSUE INIT MSGS FOR DLIBATCH - Y/N DISABLE=N -- GLOBAL DISABLE OF IMS CDC AGENT - Y/N COMPRESS=Y -- COMPRESS CDC RECORDS - Y/N FPPCAP=Y -- CAPTURE FASTPATH REGION CHANGES - Y/N MRPCAP=Y -- CAPTURE MESSAGE REGION CHANGES - Y/N BMPCAP=Y -- CAPTURE BMP REGION CHANGES - Y/N DLICAP=Y -- CAPTURE DLIBATCH REGION CHANGES - Y/N AUTODSBL=Y -- AUTO DISABLE IN EVENT OF FAILURE - Y/N AUTOWTO=PLEASE CONTACT PRECISELY SUPPORT ------------------------------------ -- OBJECT DESTINATION SECTION ------------------------------------ ROUTE=SEGMENT IVPDB2.*=SQDATA.IMSCDC.LOG1 DBFSAMD3.*=SQDATA.IMSCDC.LOG2 DBFSAMD4.*=SQDATA.IMSCDC.LOG2 ------------------------------------ -- PROGRAM INCLUDE/EXCLUDE SECTION ------------------------------------ EXCLUDEPGM=SQDATAI --EXCLUDEPGM=DFSDDLT0 INCLUDEPGM=* ---------------------------------------- -- TRANSACTION INCLUDE/EXCLUDE SECTION ---------------------------------------- --EXCLUDETRX=TRANS01 INCLUDETRX=* /* //* //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //* Dynamically Update the XPARM/LPARM in ECSA //*-------------------------------------------------------------------- //* REQUIRED parameters (1st and 2nd) //* name - The name of the XPARM/LPARM load module. Correlates to //* the XPARM/LPARM name specified when generating the //* agent or module //* SYSNAME - Symbolic name used to distinguish the environment of //* the agent or module. Correlates to the 'SYSNAME' used //* to generate the agent or module (ie. TEST, PROD) //* //* Optional parameter (3rd) (one of the following) //* RESET - Resets the XPARM/LPARM anchor Timestamp, which //* reinitializes the agent or module //* DISABLE - Globally disables the agent or module //* ENABLE - Globally enables the agent or module //* //* Optional parameter (4th) //* HOLDOVER - specified as a numeric value between 0 and 120 which //* indicates how long, in seconds, to hold the old //* XPARM/LPARM before releasing from ECSA //* //* Note: 1) Agent or module must have been generated to reference //* the XPARM/LPARM SYSNAME for ESCA updates to take effect //* //* 2) SYSNAME Cannot start with letters 'A thru I' //* //* 3) Multiple XPARM/LPARM SYSNAME entries can be specified //* in the SQDPARM DD //* //* 4) This JCL can also be found in member SQDAUPDX //* //********************************************************************* //* //SQDAUPDX EXEC PGM=SQDAUPDX,COND=(7,LT),PARM='SQDXPRIZ,IVP1
Note: The value of the two parameters must match those specified when the Capture Agent itself is generated, see the next section, Generate IMS TM EXIT Capture Agent.