The IMS TM EXIT Capture utilizes a high-performance IMS Exit to capture changes made by IMS transactions (MPP), Fast Path transactions (FPP) and batch message programs (BMP). DL/I Batch programs are not supported.
The Capture Agent Exit (SQDICDCL) operating as an extension of an IMS transaction/application, captures all data changed during the course of an IMS unit-of-work and writes data to a z/OS System. The CDCzLog Publisher Agent then manages the captured data by communicating with downstream Engines via TCP/IP. Once an individual Unit-of-Work has been forwarded to all target Engines and consumed, the CDCzLog Publisher deletes the data from the LogStream.
Note: This exit is not supported in the CICS/DBCTL environment for CICS transactions due to a restriction within IMS. However, capture is supported for BMP's running under DBCTL.