Create CDCStore CAB file - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Change Data Capture

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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Change Data Capture
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The CDCStore Storage Agent configuration (.cab) file is a binary file created and maintained by the SQDconf utility. While this section focuses primarily on the initial configuration of the Storage agent, sequences of SQDconf commands to create and configure the storage agent should be saved in a shell script or a zOS PARMLIB member both for migration to other operating environments and for recovery.

The SQDconf create command will be used to prepare the initial CDCStore configuration (.cab) file for the CDCStore Storage agent used by the Db2 zOS, UDB (DB2/LUW) and Oracle Capture agents:

 sqdconf create <cab_file_name>
Keyword and Parameter Descriptions
Keyword Description

Path and name of the Storage Agent Configuration (.cab) file. The directory must exist and the user-id associated with the agent must have the right to create and delete files in that directory. There is a one to one relationship between the CDCStore Storage Agent and Capture Agent. Precisely recommends including the Capture Agent alias as the third node in the directory structure and first node of the file name, for example, /home/sqdata/db2cdc/ In a windows environment .cfg may be substituted for .cab since .cab files have special meaning in windows.


Agent type must be "store" for the Storage Agent.


Agent type must be "store" for the Storage Agent.

[--number-of-blocks=<blocks_per_file> | -b <blocks_per_file>] The number of 8MB blocks allocated for each file defined for transient CDC storage. The default value is 32.
[--number-of-logfiles=<number_of_files> | -n <number_of_files>] The number of files that can be allocated in a data-path. Files are allocated as needed one full file at a time, during storage agent operation. CDCStore recycles blocks when possible before new storage is allocated. The default value is 8.

CDCStore transient data cache memory. The default is the minimum 8M with the total cache in megabytes calculated as ((((number of targets + 1 ) * 2) + 1) * 8M), i.e: One subscribing Engine will consume ((((1 + 1 ) * 2) + 1) * 8M) = 40 megabytes. Precisely recommends using this default based on the experience of many customers with a wide range of workload and transaction size. The maximum number of blocks (each block is always 8MB) can be displayed using Log-Level 5 and based on the 40 megabyte example will be 40M/8M = 5. Contact Supportbefore specifying this parameter.

--data-path=<directory_name> The path and directory name, where the storage agent will create transient storage files. The directory must exist and the user-id associated with the agent must have the right to create and delete files in that directory. In our example, /home/sqdata/db2cdc/data.


Create the Connect CDC (SQData) CDCStore Storage Agent configuration for a UDB (Db2/LUW) Capture using the following SQDCONF command:
$ sqdconf create <SQDATA_VAR_DIR>/udbcdc/ 

Display the content of the Storage Agent .CAB file using the following SQDCONF command:

$ sqdconfdisplay <SQDATA_VAR_DIR>/udbcdc/ --details

  • See the SQDconf Utility Reference for more details.
  • The SQDconf create command defines the .cab file name and the location and size of the transient data store. Once created, this command should never be run again unless the storage agent is being recreated.
  • Unlike the Capture/Publisher configuration files, changes to the CDCStore configuration file take effect immediately and do not require the usual stop/apply/start sequence.
  • The Directory path references, in the example /home/sqdata/<type>cdc/ can be modified to conform to the operating environment but must match the Connect CDC (SQData) Variable Directory created in the Prepare Environment Section for the Capture.