It may be necessary or desirable to restart Capture from the "Current" point-in-time. While this is the default behavior if the Capture Configuration (.cab) file is deleted and recreated it may be desirable to explicitly specify that an existing Capture that perhaps had been stopped for a period of time, common in test environments, is simply restarted but from "now" rather than when it was last processing. In this situation, both the Global LSN for the Capture and the starting LSN for individual Subscribing Engines must be reset. Rather than having to pick a specific LSN however the value need only be set to 0 (zero):
- Set the Global LSN to Current
//*---------------------------------------- //*- SET LSN AT GLOBAL LEVEL //*---------------------------------------- //SETLSN EXEC PGM=SQDCONF //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SQDPARMS DD * modify /home/sqdata/db2cdc/ --lsn=0
- Specify the same value for each of the subscribing Engines. For every Engine that requires re-capture a separate SQDCONF Job step must be run that specifies both the Target (subscribing Engine) and the LSN.
//*---------------------------------------- //*- SET LSN FOR ONE SPECIFIC Engine //*- REPEAT THIS STEP FOR EACH SUBSCRIBING Engine //*---------------------------------------- //SETLSN1 EXEC PGM=SQDCONF //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SQDPARMS DD * modify /home/sqdata/db2cdc/ --target=cdc:///DB2TODB2 --lsn=0
Note: If the capture was running while the SQDCONF modify Job steps were executed, the Capture must be Stopped before the changes can be Applied to the Capture configuration file.