Connect CDC (SQData) also provides a publish and subscribe framework for cross and mult-platform enterprise integration that utilizes IBM's z/OS System Logger LogStreams. The zLog component is similar to the transient datastore provided by CDCStore, in that z/OS LogStreams provide a high performance virtual datastore that does not require predetermined sizing. The LogStream must however reside on the z/OS platform and is used only for the IMS, VSAM and keyed file compare capture agents. In single LPAR environments with only moderate update volume, a DASD only configuration may be used. In all other environments and required in a Sysplex, Precisely recommends using the System Logger with the Coupling Facility for its greater performance.
The zLog Publisher agent, like the CDCStore Publisher, manages the LogStream content without requiring its duplication providing flexibility in configuration since target engines need not operate on the same schedule.