Every organization has front and back office systems that together form the infrastructure supporting day to day operation and frequently contain the most current information about a particular business function. Precisely's Connect CDC (SQData) Change Data Capture capability makes that real-time data available to other tactical and strategic business functions without disrupting or requiring modification to both legacy and newer business applications. Changed data capture provides a gateway to connect your business infrastructure to data warehouses, data lakes and analytical tools designed to find the hidden value in all that data as well as improve the accuracy and usefulness of the information through Precisely's full Data Integrity suite.
Technically, change data capture agents operates under constraints that vary from one platform to another. Near Real-Time data capture is accomplished on most platforms using the transaction log, maintained by the database manager for the purpose of database recovery. Historically, these logs have also been the source of data for other purposes including audit or replication. Generally it is necessary to configure the database manager to include additional information in the log for use by these non-recovery related activities.