The Datastore section of the Parser Report contains the following information for each datastore being processed.
- Data Store: the datastore name as specified in the DATASTORE command.
- Character Code: the character code format (i.e. ASCII, EBCDIC) of the data in the datastore.
- Alias: the datastore alias name specified after the AS keyword in the DATASTORE command.
- Number of Records: the number of unique record formats within the datastore. A record format may represent a 01 level of a COBOL copybook, an IMS segment name, an XML record name, etc. The number of records is derived from structure referenced in the DESCRIPTION command.
- Record Name - the name(s) of the description record(s) within the datastore. This can be an IMS segment name, the 01 level ‘tag’ of a COBOL copybook, an XML record etc. This name is derived from the structure(s) referenced in the DESCRIPTION command.
- Record Description Alias: the alias name(s) of the datastore description as specified after the AS keyword in the DESCRIPTION command(s).
- Record Description Length: the length of the record(s) within the datastore.
- Number of Fields Initialized: the number of fields that were initialized using the INITIALIZE command in the script file.
- Number of Fields: the number of fields/columns within the datastore.
- Field List - a list of the fields/columns within the datastore. For each field/column listed, the report shows the data type (TYPE), the starting position or offset (OFF), the internal length of the field (LEN), the external length of the field (XLEN) and the precision of the field (SCL).
An example of the datstore section:
Data Store..............................: CUSTOMER
Character Code......................: ASCII(LI)
Alias...............................: CUSTOMER_IN
Number of Records...................: 1
Record Name.....................: CUSTOMER
Record Description Alias........: CUST_DESCR
Record Description Length.......: 539
Number of Fields Initialized....: 0
Number of Fields................: 16
---------- ----- ----- ----- ---
NAME........................: CHAR 1 255 255 0
LNAME.......................: CHAR 1 25 25 0
FNAME.......................: CHAR 1 25 25 0
PHONE.......................: CHAR 1 15 15 0
FAX.........................: CHAR 1 15 15 0
EMAIL.......................: CHAR 1 30 30 0
SHIPADDR1...................: CHAR 1 30 30 0
SHIPADDR2...................: CHAR 1 30 30 0
SHIPCITY....................: CHAR 1 15 15 0
SHIPSTATE...................: CHAR 1 2 2 0
SHIPZIP.....................: CHAR 1 10 10 0
BILLADDR1...................: CHAR 1 30 30 0
BILLADDR2...................: CHAR 1 30 30 0
BILLCITY....................: CHAR 1 15 15 0
BILLSTATE...................: CHAR 1 2 2 0
BILLZIP.....................: CHAR 1 10 10 0