The Apply Engine script must be successfully parsed before it can be executed. The following syntax is used for executing the Parser in all environments. Examples of invoking the Parser on specific platforms are provided later in this section.
SQDPARSE <script_in>|<engine>.sqd <script_out>|<engine>.prc [<parm1> <parm2> …<parmn>] [LIST=ALL|SCRIPT] [> <report_output>|<engine>.prt]
sqdparse Db2TOORA.sqd Db2TOORA.prc ENGINE=Db2TOORA HOST=MVS21 SSID=Db2T > ../Db2TOORA.rpt
Return Code | Description |
0 | No errors |
4 | Warnings Note: A code 4 typically happens if more or more target fields are not mapped.
8 | Fatal errors Note: A code 8 is typically a syntax or naming error in the script; the parser report will indicate where the problem is.