String - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Apply engine

Product type
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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
Product name
Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Apply engine
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Function Description
B2D Converts a character string value into its decimal equivalent
B2X Converts a binary value to its hexadecimal equivalent in character format
BITCHR Convert a the binary representation of a string into a character string
C2X Converts a character data string into a hexadecimal format
EXCLUDE Removes characters from a data string that are not specified in a second inclusion character string
FIX Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string of characters
LEFT Returns the leftmost portion of the data string as specified by a length parameter
LENGTH Returns the length of a character text string
LOWER Sets all of the characters in a text string to lower case
LTRIM Removes specified characters from the left of a data string
MID Extract a substring from a source data string based on starting position and length
MTRIM Trims specified characters throughout a character string
PRINTF Print a formatted string into a string
RIGHT Returns the rightmost portion of a data string as specified by a length parameter
RTRIM Removes specified characters from the right of a data string
SEARCH Returns the starting position of a search string within a source data string
STRING Sets a field or variable to a constant literal value(s)
TRANSLATE Translates (replace) a specific character in a data string with another character
TRIM Removes specified characters from the left and right of a data string
UPPER Sets all the characters in a text string to upper case
WORD Returns a specified word from a source data string, based on its position with the string
WORDS Returns the number of words in a source data string
X2B Converts a hexadecimal value to its binary value equivalent
X2C Converts a data string in hexadecimal format into a character data string