The CONVERT_CCSID function performs code page conversion of source data from one encoding scheme (CCSID) or code page to another. While the conversion of source to target encoding schemes is normally handled automatically, this function allows individual source fields or columns to be explicitly converted. Use of this function is typically limited since the encoding scheme is generally specified at a system level. The Apply Engine, by default assumes that Character Encoding on z/OS is Code Page 1047, Code Page 819 on Linux and UNIX and Code Page 1252 on Windows. If an Apply Engine runs on a platform different from the target datastore, an IMS to Oracle Engine for example, the engine can be instructed to convert all source data to the target system's encoding scheme using the OPTIONS APPLICATION ENCODING SCHEME = <ccsid> command. Code page translation may also be performed by the database communications interface.
This function is therefor used only In those cases where individual source fields are not encoded in the same code page as the source default.
Parameter | Description |
source_field | Source field, usually qualified by source description alias requiring translation |
to_CCSID | The desired target field/column encoding scheme |
from_CCSID | The source field encoding scheme |
true_action | One or more actions to be taken if a WHEN is true (1). A true_action is usually one or more other functions and or called Procedures. |
false_action | One or more actions to be taken if all of the WHEN's are evaluated as false (0). A false_action is usually one or more other functions and or called Procedures. |
Oracle - select * from nls_database parameters where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';