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Connect CDC (SQData) Apply engine

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Connect > Connect CDC (SQData)
Product name
Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Apply engine
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Function Description
CALLPROC Invokes a predefined SQData procedure (PROC)
CASE Evaluates a series of Boolean expressions initiating an action on the first True condition or when all conditions are False
CONVERT_CCSID Convert an individual source field from one encoding scheme (CCSID) or code page to another
DB2QUAL Returns the qualifier of the DB2 table currently being processed
DB2TBLNAME Returns the name of the DB2 table currently being processed
DSDIR Returns the name of the directory in which a file type datastore resides
DSNAME Returns the name of the physical datastore file
FLDMAX Returns the largest value in a set of values
FLDMIN Returns the smallest number in a set of numeric values
FULLKEY (IMS Fullkey) Returns the fully concatenated key of the current IMS segment
HASH_LOAD Retrieve a row from a hash table
HASH_REMOVE Remove a row from a Hash Table
HASH_STORE Add a row or update an existing row in a Hash Table
IF / ELSE Two functions that work together to perform conditional processing based on evaluation of one or more values
IMSDBNAME Returns name of the IMS database that is currently being processed
IMSSEGNAME Returns name of the IMS segment that is currently being processed
LOOP Executes a function or group of functions a specified number of times
MAP Perform source to target data mapping within a function or nested set of functions
MAP_BEFORE Performs source to target data mapping of Before Key fields ONLY
MD5SUM_JSON Calculate the md5 hash of the given input
NORM normalize the contents of a source datastore record
NULL Sets a variable or target field to a null value
OS Executes a command from a UNIX / Windows command prompt or TSO on z/OS
OUTMSG Display the contents of a text string, source field, variable or the result of a function
READ Suspends and resumes the reading of records from the primary source datastore
RECIDENT Identifies the specific record being processed when a source datastore has multiple record types
RID Returns the relative record number in a source datastore
SETIMAGE Select the Image (BEFORE or AFTER) to be used as the source (or target) datastore
TERMINATE Stops an engine with a user defined return code.