The Runtime Report is generated when the Apply Engine is executed. This report provides statistics for each datastore processed during execution and begins with a Header section containing the following information:
- Date - A timestamp reflecting when the Parser was executed.
- Version - The current version of the Parser.
- Built on - The build date of the Parser module.
- Job Name - The name of Parser module being executed.
- The Connect CDC (SQData) copyright statement.
A sample report header is listed below.
SQDC000I *******************************************************
SQDC021I sqdata Version 4.1.25-rel (Linux-x86_64)
SQDC022I Build-id 00b623e263c6b59302512fae664b03e547aac122
SQDC023I (c) 2001, 2021 Syncsort Incorporated. All rights reserved.
SQDC000I *******************************************************
Note: Reports and logs for Engines running on zOS will be available in the system's job output management system, SDSF being one example. The output from Engines running on other platforms will by default be written to the working directory and always using the same file name. Those files can be managed or archived using shell scripts when Engines are started. For more information, see Shell Script Execution.