Source exceptions - connect_cdc_sqdata - Latest

Connect CDC (SQData) Apply engine

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Connect CDC (SQData)
Connect CDC (SQData) Apply engine
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Connect CDC (SQData) is designed to ensure that bad data is not propagated to any target datastores. The developer of the script is responsible for detecting conditionally invalid data and determining how this type of exception will be handled using the tools provided. There are three basic bad data conditions, two of which an Apply Engine can detect on its own and one that must be considered when designing an Apply Engine script:

Invalid Data - Source data does not match the type and format of Data Description

Some types of non-relational datastores, notably IMS, VSAM and flat files leave the validation of data type and format up to the application. Consequently programmers have accidentally or intentionally allowed data that would normally be considered invalid, such as character data in a numeric field to be stored. Usually this was do to an error in programming but sometimes a field may serve subtle dual purposes depending on some other logical data condition. COBOL redefines of group data structures and fields are a common cause of such errors, particularly in IMS databases. Relational datastores can appear to exhibit a similar problem, however, rather than bad data it will be caused by using out of date DDL to describe a table, which should never happen in the production environment. The Apply engine will detect Invalid Data conditions and instantly terminate before the Source datastore record is made accessible to the mapping and processing logic in the Apply Engine script.

Undefined Data - Source data does not match the structure of Data Description

All source datastores provide some means of describing the structure of the data they contain. If the Apply Engine script is not told of all possible source data structures, it will necessarily fail when one is encountered. This type of error is generally introduced when the script is designed and corrected during testing. It can however, be encountered when a new structure is introduced by an application and Apply Engine scripts have not been subsequently updated. The Apply Engine will also detect this condition and terminate before the Source datastore record is made accessible to the mapping and processing logic in the script.

Business Rule Invalid Data - Source data does not meet a required logical business rule

While Business rules originally define the relationships between records and fields in a datastore, it is up to developers, database designers and programmers to ensure they are consistently implemented through database constraints such as referential integrity or program logic. Often some form of those business rules are duplicated in an Apply Engine script, usually to ensure data integrity but often to complete a data transformation required by a target datastore. When such an error is detected by the script it may be for one of three reasons:
  • It was simply not considered a possible exception when the script was written.
  • It many not be possible to define the necessary logic to effect a repair.
  • The repair may be outside the scope of the Apply Engine scripts responsibility.

Without planning and intervention, the Apply engine will, as described above, terminate the instant it encounters a bad source record. Script Development describes how to handle exception conditions by modifying the source data. It also describes the recommended use of exception datastores during testing, to capture the exception data for diagnosis and also how to the exceptions can be recycle if necessary, in both near real-time and asynchronous change data capture/propagation processes