Available outputs - centrusdesktop - 2024.01

Centrus Desktop Reference for Windows

Product type
Product family
GeoStan Geocoding Suite
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > Centrus Desktop
Product name
Centrus Desktop
Centrus Desktop Reference for Windows
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The outputs available for the Geographic Determination module vary according to the type of file (point, line, or polygon) you specify in the Process Options dialog box. The name of each available output consists of the name of the GSB file, the type of file, the data element, and a number indicating a distance ranking from closest (1) to farthest (8).

For example, store.Line.Name.1 is the Name data element associated with the closest object in the .gsb file, and the data element exists in a line file called store.gsb. The number of distance rankings for each element is specified in the input file. The following table lists the Geographic Determination elements available for use with each type of file.

Field Name Explanation Available With
Name Name of the object in the file. Point, Line, Polygon
Straight Distance Straight line distance between two points. Point
Near Distance Minimum distance that exists between an error surface or a geocoded point and another point or line. Point, Line
Far Distance Distance between the farthest point of the error surface and the nearest point of the feature (point, line or polygon). Point, Line
Manhattan Distance Manhattan distance between two points. This is the distance between the points, zig-zagging along the streets, as opposed to the straight-line distance. Point
Overlap Percentage of overlap between the error surface and the input polygon. Polygon
ConfSurfType The error (or confidence) surface type indicates the type of location that the surface encloses.
  • 0 - Nothing has been searched yet
  • 1 - The search failed - address was not found
  • 2 - Intersection level
  • 3 - Address-level
  • 4 - Point-level
  • 5 - State level
  • 6 - County level
  • 7 - City level
  • 8 - Not used in USA
  • 9 - ZIP Code level
  • 10 - ZIPCode+2 level
  • 11 - ZIP Code+4 level
  • 12 - Not used in USA
In general, the better the location code from GeoStan, the higher quality the surface type.