Understanding the Address Coding tab - centrusdesktop - 2024.01

Centrus Desktop Reference for Windows

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GeoStan Geocoding Suite
GeoStan Geocoding Suite > Centrus Desktop
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Centrus Desktop
Centrus Desktop Reference for Windows
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To better understand the Address Coding tab, see the following table that describes the available options.

Option Description
Define Input Fields

Standard Once you have selected a file to process, Centrus Desktop populates the input fields based on the input file's field names. If Centrus Desktop did not populate an input field, or did not populate it with the correct field, click the drop-down arrows to select from the available address file fields.

To remove a field, select the special field <none> at the top of the list box of input field names.

Note: If you are using Z4 Change Processing, you must select address file fields for ZIP Code and ZIP + 4.

Using different input formats

In many files, the address information is contained in discrete fields that correspond to Firm, Address, City, State, ZIP Code, and possibly ZIP + 4 or Country.

Some files, however, do not have discrete fields for last line information (City, State, and ZIP). You can assign the field containing the Last Line information to the City input field.

Multiline Select the Multiline Input check box and the field identifiers for the input Fields change to Line 1 through Line 6, and the Optimization Sort check box disappears. When using this option, you may specify any six fields that Centrus Desktop should search through in order to find an address. Centrus Desktop can determine, for each record, which fields contain address information, and which fields do not. Fields containing no address information are ignored.

You should specify fields in logical address order. You should list fields that could contain the street address information before fields that could contain last-line information (city, state, and ZIP).

For example, Centrus Desktop can handle the following address:

Attn. Product Management


4750 Walnut St.

Ste 200

Boulder, CO 80301

but not the following address:
The Private Mail Box Designator and Private Mail Box Number output address elements are not available when using the Multiline Input option.
Note: This option does not affect Canadian processing.
The following are guidelines for using multiline mode:
  • You can specify from two to six input fields. Note that the Address Coding module cannot detect the address and last line information when all of the information is in one field.
  • Firm names should appear before the street address line.
  • You can list suite or apartment numbers on, above, or below the street address line. However, they must appear before the last line information.
  • Last line information must come after the street address information. You can specify different input fields for City, State, and ZIP Code, but you must list them in that order.
Processing Parameters
Process if Unmatched or Field is Blank Allows you to process only those records with missing data in a particular field, which you specify using the drop-down list. This is useful for cleaning up a previously processed database. This option is ignored, and the record is processed if any of the following critical match fields are missing or empty:
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Location Code
  • Match Code
This option is ignored and the record is processed if any of the following critical match fields begins with an "E":
  • Location Code
  • Match Code
Note: This option is disabled when producing a CASS report—Centrus Desktop must process all records for CASS compliance.
Optimization Sort Causes Centrus Desktop to process the file in ZIP Code sequence. In most cases, this significantly speeds processing. Optimization Sort requires a ZIP input field, and is limited to processing non-text files.
Assign Outputs
Output Assignment Associates address data elements with output field names. By default, the list of field names is the same as the input fields in the Define Input Fields section of the dialog box. You can assign address data elements to existing field names, or create new fields to receive the data.
Note: If you are using Z4 Change Processing, be sure to select the Z4ChangeResult address element in this dialog box.
By default, outputs are ordered alphabetically by field name. Click Output Assignment to view outputs ordered alphabetically by output assignment.
Address Elements To associate a data element with an output field:
  1. Select a field name.
  2. Select the desired data element.
  3. Click Assign.

The selected element appears in the Output Assignment column next to the field name to which it is assigned. An A icon appears before the element, signifying that the data is assigned to an output field.

To create a new field:

  1. Click the data element you wish to assign.
  2. Click New. The New Field dialog box appears.
  3. Specify the name, type, width, and (if numeric) decimal places desired, or click OK to accept the default values.

    The selected element appears in the Output Assignment column next to the field name to which it is assigned. An "A" icon appears before the address element, signifying that the data is assigned to your new output field.

    If the currently selected field is an input field, click Unassign to remove its output assignment. If the currently selected field is a new field, click Unassign to delete it.

    You may unassign an output assignment from any tab.

Blank if Unmatched Clears all output fields defined within the module if Centrus Desktop cannot match the record.

Common elements in standardization

Centrus Desktop can automatically assign the most commonly-used address standardization data elements to their corresponding field names, or create new fields for these data elements. From the main menu, select Edit, then Standardization Defaults. Select Existing Fields to have Centrus Desktop attempt to assign the standardization defaults to your existing fields. Select New Fields to create new fields for any standardization defaults you have not yet assigned. The standardization default data elements are as follows:

  • Firm Name
  • Address Line
  • Last Line
  • Delivery Point Barcode
  • Check Digit
  • Carrier Route
  • Urbanization (Puerto Rico)
  • Match Code

Common elements in geocode data

Centrus Desktop can automatically assign the most commonly used geocode data elements to their corresponding field names, or create new fields for these data elements. From the main menu, select Edit, then Geocode Defaults. Select Existing Fields to have Centrus Desktop attempt to assign the standardization defaults to your existing fields. Select New Fields to create new fields for any geocode defaults you have not yet assigned. The geocode default data elements are:

  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Match Code
  • Location Code
  • Census Block Group (12 Digits)
Note: This option does not affect Canadian processing.

Available elements

This section details all information about the address data available within Address Coding. The following table lists each address element with the maximum length of the information returned, as well as a description of the element.

The following table describes the available output elements.

Address element Size Description
Address Line 255 Full address line (e.g., 1920 MAIN ST W APT 12).
Address Line 2 60 Second address line (e.g., Suite 200).
Address Type 2 Address Type regarding number of units:
  • S – Single unit
  • M – Multiple units
  • P – Post Office box
  • X – Unknown
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes.
APN ID 45 Assessor's Parcel Number.
Aux User Data 300 User data from the auxiliary file. Blank if no file.
Carrier Route Sortation 1 Indicates whether a discount is provided for letter-sized carrier route sorted mail in current ZIP Code.
Carrier Route 4 Carrier Route ID number.
CBSA Division Name 127 CBSA division name.
CBSA Division Number 5 CBSA division number.
CBSA Name 127 CBSA name.
CBSA Number 5 CBSA number.
CSA Name 127 CSA name.
CSA Number 3 CSA number.
Census Block 15 Full block code.
Census Block 3 Block code only.
Census Block Group 1 Block Group code only.
Census Block Group 12 Full Block Group code.
Census Block Suffix 1 Centrus Block Suffix.
Census Tract 11 Full Census Tract code.
Census Tract 6 Census Tract code only.
Check Digit 1 Used with the DPBC to ensure that the bar code printed on the mailing piece is correct.
City Delivery 1 Indicates whether a Post Office has city-delivery carrier routes.
City Name 28 Valid USPS city name (such as BOULDER).
City State Record Name 28 City name for the matched address from the City State record.
CMSA Name 80 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area name.
CMSA Number 4 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area number.
Country 128 Country name.
County FIPS Code 3 County code only (e.g., 013).
County FIPS Code 5 Full state and county code (e.g., 08013).
County Name 128 County name.
Data Type 3 The type of data used to make the match:
  • 0 - USPS data.
  • 1 - TIGER data.
  • 2 - TomTom data.
  • 3 - Sanborn point-level data.
  • 4 - Deprecated
  • 5 - Deprecated
  • 6 - NAVTEQ data.
  • 7 - TomTom point-level data.
  • 8 - Centrus point-level data
  • 9 - Auxiliary file data
  • 10 - User dictionary
  • 11 - NAVTEQ point-level data
  • 12 - Master Location Data
Default Match 1 Contains one of the following values:
  • Y - Either High-Rise Default or Rural Route Default returned Y.
  • Blank - Both High-Rise Default and Rural Route Default returned N or Blank.
Delivery Point Barcode 2 A two-digit field that, when appended to the end of the 9-digit ZIP + 4 Code, creates the Delivery Point Bar Code, which is then printed in the address section on the mailing piece to assist with automated sorting.
DPV Confirmation Indicator 1 DPV confirmation indicator.
DPV CMRA Indicator 1 DPV CMRA indicator.
DPV False Positive Indicator 1 Indicates if Centrus Desktop found a false-positive match.
DPV Footnote 1 2 Contains information about matched DPV records:
  • AA - ZIP + 4 matched record
  • A1 - For failure to match a ZIP + 4 record.
  • Blank - Address not presented to hash table or DPV data not loaded.
DPV Footnote 2 2 Contains information about matched DPV records:
  • BB - All DPV categories matched.
  • CC - Matched primary/house number, but secondary/unit number did not match.
  • M1 - Missing primary/house number.
  • M3 - Invalid primary/house number.
  • N1 - Matched primary/house number, but missing high rise secondary number.
  • P1 - Missing PS, RR, or HC Box number.
  • P3 - Invalid PS, RR or HC Box number.
  • F1 - All military addresses.
  • G1 - All general delivery addresses.
  • U1 - All unique ZIP Code addresses.
  • Blank - Address not presented to hash table or DPV data not loaded.
DPV Footnote 3 2 Contains information about matched DPV records:
  • R1 - Matched CMRA, without a present secondary/unit number.
  • RR - Matched CMRA blank for address not presented to hash table or DPV data not loaded.
DPV No Stat 1 CDS pre-processing.
DPV Vacant 1 The DPV Vacant Table contains delivery points that were active in the past but are currently vacant and in the majority of cases unoccupied for over 90 days and not receiving mail delivery.
EWS Match 1 Contains a letter indicating whether the record matched to EWS data:
  • Y - match denied because it matched to EWS data.
  • Blank - input record did not match to EWS data.
Extra Line 1-6 103 Used to capture data contained in unassigned address lines.
Extra/Mail Stop 60 Contains address information appearing after mail stop designator words: MSC, MS, MAILSTOP, MAIL STOP, ATTN, ATTENTION.
Firm Name 40 Firm name, as known by the USPS or CPC, or as entered; blank if the USPS or CPC does not know what firm is at that location.
High Rise Default 1 Contains information on high-rise records:
  • N - Matched to an exact high rise record or a street record.
  • Y - Exact record not found. Matched to the USPS default high rise record or a street record. The input address should be checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • Blank - Flag does not apply to the input address (e.g., P.O. Boxes and General Delivery addresses) or no match was found.
Incorporated Place Indicator 2 Incorporated Place Indicator:
  • I - Incorporated place
  • N - Not an incorporated place
  • X - Unknown
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
Intersection Flag 1 T if an intersection match was made, or F if a normal address match was made.
LACSLink Indicator 1 LACSLink indicator.
LACSLink Return Code 2 LACSLink return code.
LACS Status 1 Locatable Address Conversion Service Status Indicator:
  • L - old (usually rural route) address converted for the LACS system
  • Blank - Not applicable
Last Line 60 Full last line (e.g., BOULDER CO 80301-1234).
Latitude 10 Latitude coordinate in decimal degrees to 6 decimal places (such as 123.234234).
Note: Latitude and Longitude must be used together, or not at all.
Location Code 4 Locational accuracy of the match. For more information, see Location codes.
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
Longitude 11 Longitude coordinate in decimal degrees to 6 decimal places (such as 123.234234). The number is positive or negative depending on the setting of the Negate Longitudes check box in the Options dialog box.
Note: Latitude and Longitude must be used together, or not at all.
LOT (Line of Travel) Number 4 Numeric LOT code used for presort.
LOT Direction Flag 4 LOT direction:
  • A - Ascending
  • D - Descending
Lot Size of Parcel 11 Lot size of the parcel expressed in square meters; 0 if none.
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
Match Code 4 Components of an address that were modified for a successful match. If a match was not successful, explains why the match could not be made. See Match Codes for details.
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
MCD Name 40 Minor Civil Division name from the auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file match.
MCD Number 5 Minor Civil Division number form the auxiliary file. Blank if no auxiliary file match.
MEC Latitude 13 Latitude of Minimum Enclosing Circle (MEC) expressed with an implied 6 digits of decimal precision; 0 if none. For example: 34809676 means 34.809676.
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
MEC Longitude 13 Longitude of Minimum Enclosing Circle expressed with an implied 6 digits of decimal precision; 0 if none. For example: -92447089 means -92.447089.
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
MEC Radius 12 Radius of Minimum Enclosing Circle (in square feet) expressed as a whole number. For example: 1234 means 1,234 square feet.
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
Metro/Micropolitan Flag 1 Metropolitan or micropolitan flag.
MSA Name 65 Metropolitan Statistical Area name.
MSA Number 4 Metropolitan Statistical Area FIPS number.
Parcel Centroid Elevation 7 Parcel centroid elevation.
pbKey 13 A unique address identifier returned when an address match is returned from the Master Location Dataset. The leading character is a ‘P'. For example: P00001XSF1IF
Postal Code 10 Canadian postal code.
Preferred City Name 28 Preferred city name for the output ZIP Code of the matched address.
Primary Post-Directional 2 Post-directional (such as E).
Primary Pre-Directional 2 Pre-directional (such as NW).
Primary Short Post-Directional 2 Shortest possible post-directional determined by CASS rules.
Primary Short Pre-Directional 2 Shortest possible pre-directional determined by CASS rules.
Primary Short Street Name 2 Shortest possible street name determined by CASS rules.
Primary Short Street Suffix 2 Shortest possible street suffix determined by CASS rules.
Primary Street Name 40 Street name (such as MAIN).
Primary Street Suffix 4 Street suffix, or type (such as ST).
Private Mail Box (PMB) Designator 4 Private mail box designator.
Private Mail Box (PMB) Number 8 Private mail box number.
Point ID 10 Unique point ID of the matched record when matched to point-level data. Blank if the matched record is not from point-level data.
Range Record Type 1 For non-intersection matches, a letter denoting the USPS Range type, where:
  • G - General delivery record
  • H - High-rise record
  • F - Firm record
  • S - Street record
  • P - P.O. Box record
  • R - Rural route/highway contract record
RDI Return Code 1 Residential Delivery Indicator (RDI):
  • Y = Residence
  • N = Business
  • Blank = Not processed through RDI
Residential or Business Indicator 2 Usage indicator:
  • R - Residential use
  • B - Business use
  • M - Mixed use – residential and business
  • X - Unknown use
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
Rural Route Default 1 Contains one of the following values:
  • N - Matched to an exact rural route record.
  • Y - Exact record not found. Matched to USPS default rural route record. The input address should be checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • Blank - Does not apply to the input address (for example, PO Boxes and General Delivery addresses) or no match was found.
Secondary Post-Directional 2 Second post directional.
Secondary Pre-Directional 2 Second pre-directional.
Secondary Short Street Name 2 Second shortest possible street name determined by CASS rules.
Secondary Short Street Suffix 2 Second shortest possible street suffix determined by CASS rules.
Secondary Short Post-Directional 2 Second shortest possible post-directional determined by CASS rules.
Secondary Short Pre-Directional 2 Second shortest possible pre-directional determined by CASS rules.
Secondary Street Name 40 Second street name.
Secondary Street Suffix 4 Second street suffix or type.
Segment ID 10 Segment ID.
Short Address Line 60 Shortest possible address determined by CASS rules.
Short Last Line 60 Short city name, state, and 10-digit zip determined by CASS rules.
Short City Name 28 City name, 13 characters or less whenever possible determined by CASS rules.
SuiteLink Return Code 2 SuiteLink return code.
State Abbreviation 2 2-letter state (or Province) abbreviation.
State FIPS Code 2 State code.
TIGER Face ID TIGER Face Identifier (TFID). This field can be used to match to all Census geocodes using external data; 0 if none.
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
TIGER Place Code 8 TIGER Place code; 0 if none.
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
TIGER Urban Area ID (UACE) 6 TIGER Urban Area Identifier. Defines the urban area if any; 0, if none.
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
Unit Designator 4 Unit designator (such as STE).
Unit Designator 2 4 Second unit designator parsed from the address line, supported only in CASS mode.
Unit Number 11 Unit or apartment number (such as 2A).
Unit Number 2 11 Second unit number parsed from the address line, supported only in CASS mode.
Urban Area Population 11 Census population of the urban area; 0 if none.
Urbanicity Indicator 2 Defines, per the Census, the Urbanicity of the address using TIGER UACE codes for categorization:
  • L – Large Urban Area (50,000 or greater population)
  • S – Small Urban Area (2,500-50,000 population)
  • R – Rural
  • X – Unknown
Note: This field is only available with the MLD Extended Attributes Dataset.
Urbanization 30 Urbanization code for the address, used for Puerto Rican addresses only.
Z4ChangeResult 2 One of the following values:
  • N - No changes. Your address records match the current USPS Z4 data.
  • Y - Changes to current USPS Z4 data. Re-standardize your address records.
ZIP Classification 1 Describes the type of area that a 5-digit ZIP Code serves:
  • M - Military ZIP Code.
  • P - P.O. Boxes only.
  • U - Unique ZIP Code (single organization).
  • Blank - standard ZIP Code.
ZIP Code 5 ZIP Code (e.g., 80301) address elements for U.S. and Canadian addresses.
ZIP Facility 1

USPS City State Name Facility Code:

  • A - Airport Mail Facility (AMF).
  • B - Branch.
  • C - Community Post Office (CPO).
  • D - Area Distribution Center (ADC).
  • E - Sectional Center Facility (SCF).
  • F - Delivery Distribution Center (DDC).
  • G - General Mail Facility (GMF).
  • K - Bulk Mail Center (BMC).
  • M - Money Order Unit.
  • N - Non-postal community name.
  • P - Post Office.
  • S - Station.
  • U - Urbanization.
ZIP+4 Extension 4 ZIP + 4 trailing code (in the case of 80301-1234, the extension is 1234).
ZIP10 10 Complete ZIP + 4 with hyphen (such as 80301-1234).
ZIP9 9 Complete ZIP + 4 (such as 803011234).

Latitude and Longitude must be used together, or not at all.

In an xBASE file, if the fields for Latitude and Longitude are numeric and have 0 decimal places, Latitude and Longitude are returned in millionths of degrees. ASCII files always receive decimal degrees.